Change shipping charges

Use the Shipping notebook to change shipping charges.

Before beginning

Ensure that you have:


  1. Open WebSphere Commerce Accelerator

  2. Click Store > Change Shipping. The Shipping Overview page is displayed.

  3. Click Shipping codes. The Shipping Codes page is displayed.

  4. Select the shipping code to which the shipping charge applies. Click Charges. The Shipping Charges page is displayed.

  5. Select the charge to change. Click Change. The Define Charge Details page is displayed.

  6. Change the following options as necessary: We cannot change the Name of an existing shipping charge.

    • In the Description field, type a description of the shipping charge.

    • In the Time period section, select the time period when the charge is in effect.

    • Define fulfillment options by selecting the check box.

      Note: If we did not previously define fulfillment options for the charge, we cannot do so now.

  7. Click Next.

    • If we selected Define fulfillment options, the Fulfillment Options page is displayed. You have the following options:

      • To define a new fulfillment option, click New. The Create New Fulfillment Option page is displayed.

        Note: Define only the fulfillment options that apply to this charge. That is, if you have two different shipping modes that have different charges, define only one option now, and define the other when creating a new charge. Go to step A.

      • To change an existing fulfillment option, select the fulfillment option from the list. Click Change. The Change fulfillment option page is displayed. Go to step a.

      • To delete an existing fulfillment option, select the fulfillment option from the list. Click Delete. The fulfillment option is deleted.

      1. From the Fulfillment center list, select the fulfillment center that fulfills the orders.

      2. From the Jurisdiction list, select the jurisdiction that the selected fulfillment center services.

      3. From the Shipping mode list, select the shipping mode that the selected fulfillment center and jurisdiction services.

      4. In the Precedence field, type the order of precedence that this combination of fulfillment center, jurisdiction, and shipping mode takes over other combinations.

      5. Click OK to save your settings and return to the Fulfillment options page.

      6. To create another fulfillment option, repeat steps a to f.

      7. Once you finish creating fulfillment options, click Next. The Define Charge Type page is displayed.

    • If we did not select Define fulfillment options, the Define Charge Type page is displayed.

  8. In the Define Charge Type page, select the type of charge. Click Next.

    • If we selected By quantity, the Define charge by quantity displays.

      • From the Currency list, select the currency for the charge, for example, USD (US dollars).

      • In the Ranges table:

        • To add a range, click Add. In the Start of range field, type the number that starts the range. For instance, enter 0 for a range 0 - 5 items per order.

        • To add another range, repeat the previous step. After you enter a second range, the last number of the first range is automatically entered. For instance, if your first range was 0 - 5, your second range starts with 6.

        • In the Charge column, type the amount to charge for that range. For instance, the amount to ship an order that contains 0 - 5 items might be $5.00.

    • If we selected by weight, the Define Charge By Weight page is displayed.

      • From the Unit of measure list, select the unit of measurement.

      • From the Currency list, select the currency for the charge.

      • In the Ranges table:

        • To add a range, click Add. In the Start of range field, type the number that starts the range. For instance, enter 0 for a range of 0 to 5 kilograms.

        • To add another range, repeat the previous step. After you enter a second range, the last number of the first range is automatically entered. For instance, if your first range was 0 - 5 kilograms, your second range starts with 6.

        • In the Charge column, type the amount to charge per unit for that weight range. For instance, the amount to ship per unit for an order that weighs 0 - 5 kilograms might be $5.00 per pound. An order that weighs 6 or more pounds might cost $4.00 per pound.

    • If we selected Fixed Charge, the Define Fixed Charge displays.

      • From the Currency list, select the currency for the charge.

      • In the Amount field, type the amount for the fixed charge.

  9. Click Finish to save your settings and return to the Shipping Charges page.