(Enterprise) (B2B direct)

Act on behalf of a Buyer Administrator

A customer service representative (CSR) can complete various storefront tasks on behalf of a Buyer Administrator. A CSR is, however, limited to a subset of Buyer Administrator tasks. The following details and resources can help you determine which tasks a CSR can complete on behalf of a Buyer Administrator, and how those tasks are completed on the storefront. The following are some of the common flows that a CSR can complete on behalf of a Buyer Administrator. After a CSR signs in to the Aurora B2B storefront, they are directed to the Customer Service Page. For more information about the Customer Service Page, see Customer Service page. To act on behalf of a Buyer Administrator, the CSR must search for the Buyer Administrator using the Find customers widget. From the search results, the CSR can select Actions, and the select Access customer's account, as seen in the following screen capture. Alternatively, a CSR can disable the Buyer Administrator's account.

After the Buyer Administrator account is accessed, the CSR is directed to the Buyer Administrator's My Account page. My Account page contains the My Account widget, which can be used by the CSR to initiate various flows. One of the most important options in the My Account widget for a CSR acting on behalf of a Buyer Administrator is the Organization and Buyers page. My Account page is divided into two sections: Organization and Buyers.

For more information about the Organizations and Buyers page, see Organizations and Buyers page (B2B).

The following table outlines the different Buyer Administrator tasks that a CSR can complete:

Organization List section Buyer List section
CSR can complete the following functions on behalf of a Buyer Administrator:

  • Navigate through a hierarchical list of organizations

  • Select an organization and display its buyer list

  • Create an organization

  • Open a page to view or edit details about an organization

Buyer Administrators cannot delete organizations. To delete organizations, contact a Site Administrator or Seller Administrator.

CSR can complete the following functions on Behalf of a Buyer Administrator:

  • Search for a buyer under the selected organization

  • Enable or disable buyer access to sign in and shop under the selected organization

  • Create a buyer

  • Open a page to view or edit details about a buyer

Buyer Administrators cannot delete buyers, or edit buyer roles. To delete buyers or edit their roles, contact a Site Administrator or Seller Administrator.