Example: Configuring fixed amount shipping charges

When shipping charges are based on weight ranges, the item weight is multiplied by the shipping charge for the range under which the weight falls. This is because the default setup in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator is to use a per unit amount calculation range as opposed to a fixed amount calculation range.


For 0-9 kg, the shipping charge is $10. For 10-19 kg, the shipping charge is $20. For an item that weighs 5 kg, the shipping charge is calculated as $50 (5 kg * $10 per kilogram).

However, you prefer to have a fixed amount of $10 as the shipping charge. To incorporate this change, edit the following value:

  1. Determine the CALSCALE_ID that must be updated based on the CALSCALE.CODE. The name of the shipping charge you defined must match the CALSCALE.CODE in the database: (DB2)

      db2 select CALSCALE_ID,CODE from CALSCALE 

    or (Oracle)

      oracle select CALSCALE_ID,CODE from CALSCALE

  2. Update the CALRANGE.CALMETHOD_ID for the CALSCALE_ID from the preceding step: (DB2)


    or (Oracle)

      oracle update CALRANGE set CALMETHOD_ID=-33 where CALSCALE_ID= CALSCALE_ID

  3. Refresh the registry in the Administration Console for the changes to take effect.