< Previous | Next >Create a custom database table to store Facebook IDs
In this lesson, you create a sample database table to store Facebook IDs.
Connect to the development DB2 Docker container and execute the following SQL commands. You will use this command to create a customization table, XSOCIALACCOUNT, which will contain Facebook information for a user.CREATE TABLE XSOCIALACCOUNT (XSOCIALACCOUNT_ID BIGINT NOT NULL, MEMBER_ID BIGINT NOT NULL, STORE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, FACEBOOK_ID VARCHAR(254), NAME VARCHAR(254), OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT, PRIMARY KEY (XSOCIALACCOUNT_ID)); INSERT INTO KEYS VALUES (10002,'xsocialaccount','xsocialaccount_id',10000,500,0,2147483647,0,1048576,1);Where
- ID for the member, a unique primary key for this table.
- Generated unique key.
- The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.