Indexing without staging propagation

While staging propagation is recommended for WebSphere Commerce Search, a Quality Assurance (QA) server can be used for testing and previewing changes in a non-staging environment before propagating to production.

The following diagram depicts how a business user applies changes to a non-staging configuration using a QA server:

In this flow, a business user applies changes to a QA area, which is later propagated into the production environment by an IT administrator. The following is the high-level process of this flow:

Making catalog changes directly onto the production environment

It is possible that a WebSphere Commerce platform can be deployed without a staging environment and without a QA server for testing and previewing, with changes instead being made directly into a production environment. Typically this type of deployment configuration can be found in small to medium size Web sites. This configuration, however, while possible, is not recommended.

Related reference
Propagating the search index