This URL adds a new payment method to an order. This command calls the EditCmd task command to add the payment method.
Controller command
Implementation class
Commands called
URL structure
- http://host_name/path/
- The fully qualified name of the WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path.
- orderId
- Required: The identifier of the order to which the payment method is to be added.
- Required: The URL to be redirected when the command completes successfully.
- piAmount
- Required: The amount in the order currency to be used for this payment method. The format of this number must fit the rules for a java.math.BigDecimal object. The number must use a period for a decimal place.
- policyId
- The payment policy identifier. It is the primary key of the payment business policy table. (Table POLICY with column policytype_id = 'Payment). See Payment methods for a list of methods supported by WebSphere Commerce (payment methods are configurable).
- If this parameter is missing, then payMethodId is required, and this command tries to get the policy identifier from the business policy table via the policy name as payMethodId.
- payMethodId
- Optional: The payment method name. It is the policy name of the payment business policy table. (Table POLICY with column policytype_id = 'Payment'). If policyId is passed in, this parameter is not required since this command always sets it as the policy name from business policy table via the policyId.
- (At least one of the two parameters policyId and payMethodId should be passed in. If both of them are passed in, policyId will have priority over payMethodId.)
- purchaseorder_id
- Optional: The purchase order number specified to the order. This parameter is optional, if it is set, the value of the purchase order number will send back to the response properties to be displayed in the page.
- errorViewName
- Optional: The view name which is redirected to when the execution fails. If this parameter is provided, the default error view name is PaymentInstructionErrorView.
- billing_address_id
- Optional: The billing address identifier.
If all of the parameters billto_firstname, billto_lastname, billto_address1, billto_city, billto_stateprovince are passed in, those parameters will be used as the billing address protocol data, and the billing_address_id parameter will not be used. Otherwise, this command will get the billing address protocol data from the address related table(s) in WebSphere Commerce according to billing_address_id.
- paymentTCId
- Optional: The payment Term&Condition identifier for this payment instruction. This parameter is used by the business customer.
- valueFromPaymentTC
- Optional: The flag to indicate whether the payment protocol data should be extracted from the payment Term&Condition identified by paymentTCId parameter and ignore any protocol data passed in the request properties. The values include true and false, the default value is false.
- valueFromProfileOrder
- Optional: The flag to indicate whether the payment protocol data should be extracted from the user's quick checkout profile and ignore any protocol data passed in the request properties. The values are Y or N. Default is N.
- protocolData
- Optional: Additional name-value pairs separated by an ampersand (&) that will be passed to the payment plug-in or payment processor as additional data required by that payment protocol. For example, for a credit card, &cc_brand=AMEX. Note that protocolData is not the parameter directly passed in, instead it just contains the name-value pairs of protocol data of current payment instruction. Any parameters except for purchaseorder_id will be put into protocolData.
Example 1
The following example adds the AMEX credit card payment method to order 112233, for an amount of 105.50 USD, with protocol data values for the credit card account, brand, and expiration. The assumption is that the order already exists and is using USD as the currency.
http://host_name/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/PIAdd?orderId=112233&piAmount=105.50 &policyId=-9803&URL=/ &cc_nameoncard=Jane+Smith &billto_address1=4911+Sunnybrook+Dr &billto_city=Beverly+Hills &billto_stateprovide=CA &billto_zipcode=90210 &billto_country=USA &account=account_value &cc_brand=AMEX &expire_month=09 &expire_year=2005 &billing_address_id=10001000006363 &errorViewName=DoPaymentErrorView
Example 2
The following example adds the electronic check payment method to order 112233, for an amount of 300 USD, and supplies the check routing number required by that payment method to perform the transaction. The assumption is that the order already exists and is using USD as the currency.
http://host_name/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/PIAdd?orderId=112233&piAmount=300 &policyId=-9802&URL=/ &account=account_value &check_number=1159 &check_routing_number=123456789 &billing_address_id=10001000006363 &errorViewName=DoPaymentErrorView
Check if the order is locked by the current CSR. If the order is not locked and called by a CSR, or if it is locked by another CSR, an exception is thrown If the payment instruction to be added is unbound (An unbound payment instruction for the order only has the information for the payment method and the payment policy):
- Call AddUnboundPITaskCmd (EDP command) to add the unbound payment instruction
- Call EditCmd (EDP command) to add the payment instruction
- Examine the result of EditCmd and throw exception if the result is null or if there is error in the results
Exception conditions
- ECSystemException
- ECApplicationException
Related concepts
Payment instructions
Payment methods
Related reference
PIRemove URL