SimplePunchout plug-in

The SimplePunchout plug-in is a sample plug-in that can be used by the Aurora starter store to demonstrate payment using the punch-out model. When the SimplePunchout plug-in is used, a new browser window opens displaying the third-party payment website.

SimplePunchout plug-in can be used only to demo or sample punch-out payment support of HCL Commerce. It is used against a payment gateway simulator; it cannot be used to connect to real payment gateways such as PayPal.


The SimplePunchout plug-in follows the Payment plug-in specification and implements the PunchoutPlugin interface. The SimplePunchout plug-in implements the following APIs:

Note: approveAndDeposit is classical payment API; the other methods are unique to the PunchoutPlugin interface.

Related concepts
LOC (Line of credit) plug-in
SimpleOffline plug-in
Paymentech plug-in