Migrate WebSphere Commerce Version 8 Management Center

Migrate the Management Center by exporting your LOBTools project from the WebSphere Commerce Version 8 development environment to the WebSphere Commerce Version 9 development environment.


  1. Export your LOBTools project from the WebSphere Commerce Version 8 development environment.

    1. Open the WebSphere Commerce Version 8 development environment, then switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.

    2. Right-click LOBTools , then click Export > Java > JAR file. The JAR Export wizard opens.

    3. Select all the files under LOBTools project, but exclude the following items:

      • IBM spring files under WebContent/WEB-INF/spring-ibm-*.xml

        Note: Do not exclude spring-extension.xml. This file must be included.

      • All of the restricted folders that are found under every subdirectory. These restricted files can be found in the various component directories, as illustrated in the following screen capture.

      A .jar file is created.

    4. Move the .jar file to the WebSphere Commerce Version 9 development environment.

  2. Import your LOBTools to the WebSphere Commerce Version 9 development environment.

    1. Open the WebSphere Commerce Version 9 development environment, then switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.

    2. Right-click LOBTools , then click Import > General > Archive file.

    3. Select the .jar file that you generated from the WebSphere Commerce Version 9 development environment.

    4. Select all of the files, then click Finish.

      Note: When we are asked to overwrite the files, click Yes to all.

    5. Restart the WebSphere Commerce server.

    6. Test your migrated Management Center.

Previous topic: Migrate your EJB entity beans to Java Persistence API.
Next topic: Migrate our custom Physical Service Data Objects.