Testing client browsing capture

For developers, we can use the browser and Fiddler to test the capturing of browsing sessions.

Before starting

Configure Fiddler.


To test the capturing of browsing sessions:

  1. Clear the browser cache.

    Note: You do not have to clear the browser cache when using the CSC Options window to enable browser clearing. Refer to the browser help for clearing your cache.

  2. Clear any existing Fiddler sessions. In the Fiddler menu, click Edit > Remove > All Sessions.

  3. Verify that Capture Traffic is enabled. Click File > Capture Traffic and ensure that it is selected.

  4. In the browser, browse through the web application to capture, visiting all wanted pages. Verify that Fiddler is able to see the pages to capture.

  5. When we are finished browsing, close the browser and return to Fiddler.

  6. In the Fiddler menu, click File > Save As > All Sessions. Save the resulting SAZ file in a location of your choice.

  7. In the RealiTea Viewer (RTV), click Tealeaf CSC > Save all hits to TLA. The session is saved and opened in RTV. We can verify whether the pages and user interface events are captured correctly.

    Note: During RTV replay, disable Fiddler capture. If it is enabled, it captures the replay. To toggle capture off, click the Fiddler status bar in the lower left.