Enable SSL for IBM Marketing Cloud Transact XML integration
We can enable SSL for the web services used by WebSphere Commerce for IBM Marketing Cloud Transact XML so that the IBM Marketing Cloud Transact XML server is trusted.
- Open the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.
- Expand Security. Click SSL certificate and key management.
- In the Related Items section, click Key stores and certificates.
- Select NodeDefaultTrustStore.
- In the Additional Properties section, click Signer Certificates.
- Click Retrieve from port and enter the following information.
Parameter Value Host Enter apiX.silverpop.com, where X is the pod number assigned to you by IBM Marketing Cloud Transact XML. For example, if we are assigned the following URL, http://engage2.silverpop.com, the pod number assigned to you is 2. Therefore, your host value is api2.silverpop.com.
Port 443 SSL configuration for outbound connection NodeDefaultSSLSettings Alias IBM Marketing Cloud Transact XML
- Click Retrieve signer information.
- Select OK and save our changes.
Previous topic: Configure the IBM Marketing Cloud Transact XML transport method