Optional: Enable the Watson Content Hub store function

After enabling the Watson Content Hub store function, the store's static web assets are maintained remotely in Watson Content Hub. These assets include JavaScript, CSS, and image files.

If we enable the store function, upload the store's static web assets to Watson Content Hub.


  1. Open the Store Management tool.

  2. In the explorer view filter, click Stores.

    The Stores list view displays, containing a list of the stores that we are authorized to work with.

  3. Right-click the store to select the available store functions for; then click Open to open the properties view for the selected store.

    The available store functions for the store are displayed within separate tabs beside the Store Properties tab in the properties view.

  4. Click the Configurations tab.

  5. Select Watson Content Hub integration.

  6. Click Save and Close to save our changes.

Previous topic: Enable SSL for Watson Content Hub integration