
Create messages for procurement integration message keys

Procurement integration provides the infrastructure for sending error messages back to the procurement system when authorization has failed or a request cannot be completed due to other error conditions. The actual error messages sent back to the procurement system need to be customized, and the property file containing these messages is not provided by WebSphere Commerce.

Task info

To create messages for procurement integration message keys:


  1. Create a property file named


  2. Add messages for the following keys for each language locale that needs to be supported. The following message keys for procurement integration error messages have been defined:

      _ERR_PROCUREMENT_BUYER_CREDENTIAL_NOT_FOUND=Specified buyer credentials
      not found.
      buyer credentials. Authentication failed.
      buyer or supplier credentials.
      specified procurement protocol name and version are invalid.
      _ERR_PROCUREMENT_INVALID_REQUISITIONER_ID=<varname>RequisitionerId</varname> parameter
      is missing or invalid.
      supplier credentials. Authentication failed.
      supplier cookie.
      entry not found.
      message id.
      not create the order.
      prepare failed.
      process failed.
      not create the order item.
      error when registering requisitioning user.
      error occurred.
      supplier credentials not found.
      updating user ID in session context.

Related concepts
Procurement system integration