webFeedLoad utility

The webFeedLoad utility facilitates the integration of a web feed with WebSphere Commerce.

When you run the web feed utility, the following tables are updated: ATCHTGT,
ATCHTGTDSC, ATCHAST (use to verify the time created and time updated details), CMFILE (use to verify the UPLOAD_TIMESTAMP details), CMFILEDIR, CMSMALLFILE, CMLARGEFILE

Set the logging level

Set the logging level (.INFO, FINER or FINEST) and the location of the log files in the
workspace_dir/WC/xml/config/dataload/logging.properties file, for example:

File permissions

Parameter values

Command syntax

Runtime environment

(AIX) (Linux)

Development environment

Running the utility from the Administration Console

For information about configuring the scheduler to run the web feed utility, see Scheduling a site-level job.

Escape special characters in the parameters, for example use the XML entities for ampersands: configFile=C:\temp\config_file.xml& XmlValidation=true&errorLogPath=C:\temp&ConsoleHandler.Level=FINEST&FileHandler.Level=INFO.

We can specify the following parameters:

Related concepts
web feed utility offers a new solution to work with these updates and their static, unstructured content.">Overview of the web feed utility