Inquire_WCS_PickPackListDetail message

The Inquire_WCS_PickPackListDetail message is an inbound message that requests the pick ticket and packing list information created by an earlier Create_WCS_PickBatch message. A fulfillment center application generates this request and sends it to the WebSphere Commerce inbound message queue. When processed, the inbound message calls the GetPickPackListDetail command, which redirects to PickPackListResult view task on successful completion, or PickPackListErrorView view task on command failure. On successful completion, the command retrieves the pick ticket XML from the PICKBATCH table and the packing list XML from the ORDRELEASE table for the given PICKBATCH_ID. The PickPackListResult.jsp file generates the outbound Report_WCS_PickPackListDetail message including the pick ticket and packing slips in response.

The Inquire_WCS_PickPackListDetail message uses the XML message format and follows Inquire_WCS_PickPackListDetail_10.dtd.

The following table describes the format of the Inquire_PickPackListDetail message. For a description of the database column, follow the link to its associated table. All fields are optional unless otherwise noted. The tag value length in the XML message for database fields of type INT, BIGINT and DOUBLE should be CHAR (10), CHAR(19), and CHAR(16) respectively.

Level XML Element Comment Table Name Column Name Note

Related reference
GetPickPackListDetail command
Create_WCS_PickBatch message
Report_WCS_PickPackListDetail message