Integrate with OAuth 2.0 framework for social login

When we integrate with the OAuth 2.0 framework, your shoppers can authenticate to your storefront with their social networking accounts, like Google, Facebook, and Twitter.


Shoppers expect a quick and effortless browsing experience while navigating the storefront. The account creation process, with its plethora of required fields, can be a hindrance to the ideal shopping experience. By implementing social login on the storefront, you elevate the shopper's need to create a new, dedicated account for the storefront. Instead, a shopper can simply log in to your store with their social networking account and continue browsing at will. The following is an example of the shopper's interaction with the storefront then you implement social login.

  1. Shopper clicks the social login button; they are redirected to social networking URL for authentication.

  2. Shopper authenticates with social networking credentials.

  3. Access token is returned from social networking site; WebSphere Commerce store server validates token for authentication.

  4. Shopper is successfully logged in and continues browsing. If this is the initial log in, basic user information, like email and name, are store in the WebSphere Commerce database.
