Environment data structure in Consul/Vault

By default, Vault and Consul are supported for storing sensitive key-value pairs for our Docker configurations. To use Consul/Vault, set CONFIGURE_MODE to Vault. When you start a Docker container, startup scripts tries to fetch environment-related data from Vault.

For example, we can have a Tenant to represent your company (such as MyCompany), EnvironmentName (such as Non-production), and EnvironmentType (such as auth).

Key-value data structure in Consul/Vault

The key-value data on Consul/Vault is stored like a tree structure. We can fetch the key-value data through the following path:http://VaultIP:Port/v1/<Tenant>/EnvironmentName/EnvironmentType/TargetKey. The following table lists all default key-value paths on Consul/Vault. We can also add your key-value paths based on your business requirements and define the custom logic to fetch them.

KeyPath Mandatory/Optional Sample value Comments
Tenant/EnvName/domainName Optional default.svc.cluster.local If no value is specified, the following default value is applied: default.svc.cluster.local
Tenant/EnvName/oidcClientId Optional We need to specify a value to enable IBM ID.
Tenant/EnvName/oidcClientSecret Optional We need to specify a value to enable IBM ID.
Tenant/EnvName/blueIDServer Optional We need to specify a value to enable IBM ID.
Tenant/EnvName/blueIDProviderHost Optional We need to specify a value to enable IBM ID.
Tenant/EnvName/traceSpecification/ts-app Optional To change the trace spec, specify a value.
Tenant/EnvName/traceSpecification/search-app Optional To change the trace spec, specify a value.
Tenant/EnvName/traceSpecification/crs-app Optional To change the trace spec, specify a value.
Tenant/EnvName/traceSpecification/xc-app Optional To change the trace spec, specify a value.
Tenant/EnvName/certs/CertName Optional demo2/qa/certs/demo2qa-test={‘certificate’: ‘asdfadsfadsfads’, ‘destination_host’: ‘adsfadsf’, ‘issuing_ca’: ‘fadsfadsfads’, ‘keystorepass’: ‘adsfadsfads’, ‘private_key’: ‘adsfadsfasd’} We can add third-party certificate records.
Tenant/EnvName/certsBundle Optional demo2/qa/certsBundle={‘crsapp’: ‘demo2qa-testky’, ‘searchapp’: ‘demo2qa-test’, ‘storeapp’: ‘’, ‘tsapp’: ‘demo2qa-test’, ‘tsweb’: ‘’, ‘xcapp’: ‘’} We can create bundled certificates as a sample. When we deploy the environment, the container can detect the bundled certificates and apply them.
Tenant/EnvName/kafkaServers Optional Specify a value to enable ZooKeeper and Kafka.
Tenant/EnvName/zooKeeperServers Optional Specify a value to enable ZooKeeper and Kafka.
Tenant/EnvName/auth/dbHost Mandatory N/A
Tenant/EnvName/auth/dbName Mandatory N/A
Tenant/EnvName/auth/dbPassword Mandatory N/A
Tenant/EnvName/auth/dbPort Mandatory N/A
Tenant/EnvName/auth/dbUser Mandatory N/A


Mandatory N/A


Mandatory for Oracle This value is required for an Oracle database.


Mandatory for Oracle This value is required for an Oracle database.


Mandatory for Oracle This value is required for an Oracle database.
Tenant/EnvName/auth/dbSSLEnable Optional true|false N/A
Tenant/EnvName/auth/dbXA Optional true|false N/A
Tenant/EnvName/auth/merchantKeyEncrypte Mandatory N/A
Tenant/EnvName/auth/spiUserName Mandatory N/A
Tenant/EnvName/auth/searchPort Optional Specify a value to reset searchPort, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/auth/searchMasterHost Optional Specify a value to reset searchMasterHost, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/auth/searchSlaveHost Optional Specify a value to reset searchSlaveHost, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/auth/searchRepeaterHost Optional Specify a value to reset searchRepeaterHost, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/auth/storeHost Optional Specify a value to reset storeHost, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/auth/storePort Optional Specify a value to reset storePort, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/auth/storeWebPort Optional Specify a value to reset storeWebPort, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/auth/xcHost Optional Specify a value to reset xcHost, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/auth/xcPort Optional Specify a value to reset xcPort, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/auth/kafkaTopicPrefix Optional ${TENANT}${ENVIRONMENT}${ENVTYPE} Specify a value to config ZooKeeper and Kafka. If no value is specified, the following default value is applied: ${TENANT}${ENVIRONMENT}${ENVTYPE}
Tenant/EnvName/auth/healthCenterEnable Optional Specify value to enable healthCenter.
Tenant/EnvName/live/dbHost Mandatory N/A
Tenant/EnvName/live/dbName Mandatory N/A
Tenant/EnvName/live/dbPassword Mandatory N/A
Tenant/EnvName/live/dbPort Mandatory N/A
Tenant/EnvName/live/dbUser Mandatory N/A
Tenant/EnvName/live/dbType Mandatory N/A


Mandatory for Oracle This value is required for an Oracle database.


Mandatory for Oracle This value is required for an Oracle database.


Mandatory for Oracle This value is required for an Oracle database.
Tenant/EnvName/live/dbSSLEnable Optional true|false N/A
Tenant/EnvName/live/dbXA Optional true|false N/A
Tenant/EnvName/live/merchantKeyEncrypte Mandatory N/A
Tenant/EnvName/live/spiUserName Mandatory N/A
Tenant/EnvName/live/spiUserPwd Mandatory N/A
Tenant/EnvName/live/searchPort Optional Specify a value to reset searchPort, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/live/searchMasterHost Optional Specify a value to reset searchMasterHost, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/live/searchSlaveHost Optional Specify a value to reset searchSlaveHost, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/live/searchRepeaterHost Optional Specify a value to reset searchRepeaterHost, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/live/storeHost Optional Specify a value to reset storeHost, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/live/storePort Optional Specify a value to reset storePort, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/live/storeWebPort Optional Specify a value to reset storeWebPort, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/live/xcHost Optional Specify a value to reset xcHost, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/live/xcPort Optional Specify a value to reset xcPort, instead of using the default value.
Tenant/EnvName/live/kafkaTopicPrefix Optional ${TENANT}${ENVIRONMENT}${ENVTYPE} If no value is specified, the following default value is applied: ${TENANT}${ENVIRONMENT}${ENVTYPE}
Tenant/EnvName/live/healthCenterEnable Optional Specify a value to enable healthCenter.

Storing key-value pairs in Vault

To set up Vault, see the Vault website. When you have a Vault ready for use, we can complete the following steps to store and retrieve key-value pairs.

  1. Create a mount point based on the {Tenant}.For example,


      curl -X POST -H $header -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"type":"generic","description":"description","config":{"max_lease_ttl":"876000"}}' http://<Vault-IP-Address:VaultPort/v1/sys/mounts/Tenant

  2. Store key-value pair data using the following command.

      curl -X POST -H "X-Vault-Token:<vault_token>" -d '{"value":"<theValue>"}' http://<Vault-IP-Address:VaultPort/v1/Tenant/EnvironmentName/EnviromentType/TargetKey

    For example, to store the value "mall" for a key name "dbName" under path MyCompany/Non-production/auth/dbName:

      curl -X POST -H "X-Vault-Token:7f47efbb-b162-619b-0ced-448079d91b77" -d '{"value":"mall"}' http://myhostname.com:8200/v1/MyCompany/Non-production/auth/dbName

  3. Retrieve data using the following command.

      curl -X GET -H "X-Vault-Token:<VAULT_TOKEN>" http://<Vault-IP-Address:VaultPort/v1/Tenant/EnvironmentName/EnviromentType/TargetKey | jq -r .data.value

Related tasks
Accessing Docker image Help

Related reference
Manage certificates manually
Manage certificates with Vault

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