Configure financial rules and attributes, pricing organization rules, and payment types

Configure pricing integration involves configuring financial rules and attributes, pricing organization rules, and payment types.

About this task

To enable the pricing integration between Sterling Order Management and WebSphere Commerce, perform these additional configurations in Sterling Order Management:


  1. Configure rules for the Price Organization:

    1. Open Application > Distribute Order Management and select the our organization.

    2. Click Cross Application > Financials > Pricing Organization Rules. Configure pricing organization rules as described in the table.

    Charge Category For Pricing Rules: Charge Category For Shipping Surcharge Shipping Charge Category For Ship Order Total Shipping Charge Category To Be Used For Applying Discount For Each Pricing Rule Type:Charge Category For Combination Discount Charge Category For Order Total Discount Charge Category For Shipping Surcharge ShippingDiscount Charge Category For Item Quantity Discount
    Field Option
    Charge Category For Ship Order Total ShippingDiscount
    Charge Category To Be Used For Applying Discount Coupon For Each Pricing Rule Type
    Charge Category For Combination Discount
    Charge Category For Order Total Discount
    Charge Category For Ship Order Total ShippingDiscount
    Charge Category For Item Quantity Discount

  2. Configure financial attributes:

    1. Open Application > Distribute Order Management and select our organization.

    2. Click Document Specific > Sales Order > Financials > Financial Attributes. The Financial Attributes window opens. Configure charge categories as described in the table.

      Sales Order: Price (Aurora)

      • Billable

      • Refundable

      Sales Order: Discount (Aurora)

      • Billable

      • Discount

      • Refundable

      Sales Order: Shipping (Aurora)

      • Billable

      • Refundable

      Sales Order: ShippingDiscount (Aurora)

      • Billable

      • Discount

      • Refundable

      Charge Category Options

  3. Configure financial rules:

    1. Use FireFox to open the Sterling Business Center at https://SC_Hostname:Port/sbc.

    2. Click the Switch to button to switch to our organization.

    3. Click System Setup > Order > Financial Rules. The Financial Rules window opens.

    4. Uncheck Validate Charge Name and specify a charge name for shipping in the Charge Name For Shipping field.

  4. Configure payment types:

    1. Use FireFox to open the Sterling Business Center at https://SC_Hostname:Port/sbc.

    2. Click the Switch to button to switch to our organization.

    3. Click System Setup > Payments > Manage Payment Types. The Payment Types window opens where you configure payment types, as described in the table.

    Payment Type Payment Type Group
    Check Other
    Credit_card Credit card
    Customer_Account Customer account
    Debit_card Debit card
    Others Other

    Note: The Customer_Account payment type is only applicable for business customers and not for consumer customers.