WebSphere Commerce JSP programming best practices

These Commerce-specific best practices are intended to be used in conjunction with the common Web application development standards and practices, such as those associated with the Java EE at a Glance technology and the JavaServer Pages technology, as well as with general principles and conventions of WebSphere Commerce.

Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce framework overview
Model-View-Controller design pattern
Display design pattern
Supporting globalization

Related reference
JSP programming best practice: Use the StoreErrorDataBean data bean for error handling
JSP programming best practice: Use the escapeXml attribute to preserve HTML formatting
JSP programming best practice: Use an appropriate inclusion mechanism
JSP programming best practice: Use the .jspf extension for JSP segments
JSP programming best practice: Use JSTL in place of Java code
JSP programming best practice: Use Commerce-specific maps to access request parameters
JSP programming best practice: Use the post method for form submission
JSP programming best practice: Use the Commerce-specific tag for bean activation
JSP programming best practice: Ensure XHTML-compliance