Run Engine commands for Utility server
Use the following Run Engine commands to configure the Utility server Docker container.
Description Command For development or authoring environment, set Search server name binding. run set-search-server <search_host> <search_port>
- search_host
- Search host name.
- search_port
- Search port.
For live environments, set Search server name binding for the Search repeater. run set-search-server <search_host> <search_port> [search_repeater_host] [search_repeater_port]
- search_host
- Search host name.
- search_port
- Search port.
- search_repeater_host
- Search Repeater hostname, for live environments.
- search_repeater_port
- Search Repeater port, for live environments (for example, 3738).
Set connection to Transaction server host run set-transaction-server <hostName> <securedPort>
- hostName
- Transaction server host name.
- Port
- Transaction server port.
Update database user and password credentials used to connect to the database. run update-datasource-cred <jndi> dbUser<dbPass>
- jndi
- The name of the JNDI.
- The default value for the Transaction server is jdbc/WCDataSource.
- dbUser
- The user name to connect to the DB2 database.
- dbPass
- The password for the dbUser.
Update database name, database server host name, database server port credentials used to connect to the database. run update-datasource-db <jndi> <database> <dbHost> <dbPort> <sslConnect>
- jndi
- The name of the JNDI.
- The default value for the Transaction server is jdbc/WCDataSource.
- database
- The name of the database.
- dbHost
- The host name of the database server.
- dbPort
- The database server port.
- sslConnect
- (Optional) Enable or disable the SSL protocol. If set to True, SSL is used. If False, SSL is disabled.
For authoring environments, add JAAS, JDBC provider, datasource connection information to connect to the live database. run add-datasource <jndi> dbNamedbType dbHost dbPortdbUser dbPass <xa> sslConnect
- jndi
- The name of the JNDI.
- The default value for the Transaction server is jdbc/WCDataSource.
- dbName
- The name of the database.
- dbType
- The database type.
- For example, db2.
- dbHost
- The host name of the database server.
- dbPort
- The database server port.
- dbUser
- The database user name.
- dbPass
- The database password.
- xa
- (Boolean) Determines whether it is an XA data source. Set this value to false if we are using the default datasource.
- sslConnect
- (Boolean) Enable SSL connection.
Set SSL protocol for SSL setting. run set-ssl-protocol <sslProtocol>
- sslProtocol
- SSL protocol value. Valid values are
- TLSv1
- TLSv1.1
- TLSv1.2
- SSLv2
- SSLv3