Catalog entries

Catalog entries represent merchandise in an online catalog that often includes a name or part number, a description, one or more offer prices, images, and other details. A catalog entry can be a product, item, package, bundle, or dynamic kit.

Catalog entries can be a single item (atomic) or composed of several other catalog entries (composite). When atomic, a catalog entry is an individually orderable entity that needs no further SKU resolution. When composite, a catalog entry represents unresolved products, packages, or bundles that may need additional information before becoming atomic entities.

If necessary, we can create new CatalogEntry type objects that do not fit into one of the existing Product, Item, Package, Bundle, or DynamicKit models.

Related concepts
Catalog navigation
Catalog groups
Product sets in contracts
Packages and bundles
Products and items
Calculation codes for orders
Quantity units

Related tasks
Creating a predefined configuration for a dynamic kit

Related reference
Catalog entry data model