Access control interactions

The access control policy framework controls how access control works in WebSphere Commerce.

The following syntax diagram shows access control policy interactions. The details are described below the diagram.

The preceding diagram shows actions that are performed by the access control policy manager. The access control policy manager is the access control component that determines whether the current user is allowed to perform the specified action on the specified resource. It determines access by searching through the policies in groups to which the resource owner subscribes. If the resource owner does not subscribe to any policy groups, it searches through the policies in groups to which the resource owner's closest ancestor subscribes. If at least one policy grants access, then permission is granted.

The following list describes the actions from the preceding interaction diagram. They are ordered from the top of the diagram to the bottom.

Related concepts
Protectable interface
Groupable interface
WebSphere Commerce access control policies
Access control implications when a controller command is extended
Resource protection in WebSphere Application Server