Changes made on the Authoring or Staging environment that can be propagated to the Production Server using the StagingProp utility.

Column Descriptions:

Name Type Description
STGRFNBR BIGINT NOT NULL The reference number for the staging row.
STGSTMP TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Time stamp at which change was recorded.
STGTABLE CHAR (30) NOT NULL Name of staged table for which change occurred.
STGOP CHAR (1) NOT NULL Change operator:

  • I = insert

  • U = update

  • D = delete

STGMENBRNAME CHAR (32) Reserved for IBM internal use.
STGMENBR INTEGER Indicates whether record is of merchant or site scope:

  • 0 = site scope

  • 1 = merchant scope

STGPKEYNAME CHAR (32) Reserved for IBM internal use.
STGPKEY BIGINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
STGKEY1NAME CHAR (32) Name of only primary-key column of table identified by STGTABLE
Name of 1 of (up to) 5 columns in composite primary-key of table identified by STGTABLE
STGKEY2NAME CHAR (32) Name of only primary-key column of table identified by STGTABLE
Name of 1 of (up to) 5 columns in composite primary-key of table identified by STGTABLE
STGKEY3NAME CHAR (32) Name of only primary-key column of table identified by STGTABLE
Name of 1 of (up to) 5 columns in composite primary-key of table identified by STGTABLE
STGKEY4NAME CHAR (32) Name of only primary-key column of table identified by STGTABLE
Name of 1 of (up to) 5 columns in composite primary-key of table identified by STGTABLE
STGKEY5NAME CHAR (32) Name of only primary-key column of table identified by STGTABLE
Name of 1 of (up to) 5 columns in composite primary-key of table identified by STGTABLE
STGOKEY1 BIGINT Old value in column identified by STGKEY1NAME.
STGOKEY2 BIGINT Old value in column identified by STGKEY2NAME.
STGOKEY3 VARCHAR (254) Old value in column identified by STGKEY3NAME.
STGOKEY4 BIGINT Old value in column identified by STGKEY4NAME.
STGOKEY5 VARCHAR (254) Old value in column identified by STGKEY5NAME.
STGNKEY1 BIGINT New value in column identified by STGKEY1NAME.
STGNKEY2 BIGINT New value in column identified by STGKEY2NAME.
STGNKEY3 VARCHAR (254) New value in column identified by STGKEY3NAME.
STGNKEY4 BIGINT New value in column identified by STGKEY4NAME.
STGNKEY5 VARCHAR (254) New value in column identified by STGKEY5NAME.
STGPROCESSED INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Indicates whether record has been processed by StagingProp:

  • -5 = primary-key for table specified in STGTABLE column not found in physical table on staging database

  • -4 = error encountered during consolidation when consolidation-error-toleration is enabled

  • -3 = error encountered during propagation of 'I' record when action-on-error semantics are enabled

  • -2 = error encountered during propagation of 'U' record when action-on-error semantics are enabled

  • -1 = error encountered during propagation of 'D' record when action-on-error semantics are enabled

  • 0 = not processed

  • 1 = processed

STGRESERVED1 INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Reserved for IBM internal use.
STGLDPTH VARCHAR (254) Reserved for IBM internal use.
STGLDCOLS VARCHAR (4000) Reserved for IBM internal use.
STGFILTER BIGINT This column is used to propagate data by filter value. When StagingProp is invoked with -filter <n> (and -filtercolumn <s> is not specified), only records whose STGFILTER value matches <n> will be propagated.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


Name Column Names Type

Related reference
Staging environment data model