The ordering scheme set up for stores and individual e-MarketingSpots.
Column Descriptions:
Name Type Description DMEMSPOTCMD_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The primary key. CONTENTTYPE VARCHAR (254) NOT NULL The type of content to be ordered. Valid values include: CatalogGroup, CatalogEntry, MarketingContent. STOREENT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The identifier of the store in which to run the e-MarketingSpot ordering scheme. If the value of emspot_id is null, then this is the default ordering scheme for all the e-MarketingSpots in the store. EMSPOT_ID INTEGER The identifier of the e-MarketingSpot in which to run the ordering scheme. DMEMSPOTORD_ID INTEGER The identifier of the e-MarketingSpot ordering scheme. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.
Name Column Names Type <SYSTEM-GENERATED> DMEMSPOTCMD_ID Primary Key I0001160 CONTENTTYPE+STOREENT_ID+EMSPOT_ID Unique Index I0001161 EMSPOT_ID Non-Unique Index I0001162 DMEMSPOTORD_ID Non-Unique Index
Constrained By Parent Tables:
Constraint Columns Parent Table Parent Columns Type F_3535 DMEMSPOTORD_ID DMEMSPOTORD DMEMSPOTORD_ID Cascade F_3536 EMSPOT_ID EMSPOT EMSPOT_ID Cascade