Example: Inserting and replacing offers with multiple currencies
The Data Load utility provides two modes for loading multiple-currency offers: insert and replace. The behavior of each mode depends on whether the identifier is specified.This example uses a CSV file to demonstrate how to insert, replace, or delete your data. We can also create and use an XML formatted file to insert, replace, or delete your data. If you choose to create and use an XML formatted file, ensure that your XML elements use the same names as are used for CSV column names.
CSV file with sample offer data for multiple currencies
- Insert mode
- Identifier specified: The insert fails if an offer with the same combination exists in the database.
- Identifier not specified: Offer is inserted successfully.
- Replace mode
- Identifier specified: Updates the specified offer according to the Identifier. If offer with the Identifier does not exist in database, the offer is inserted.
- Identifier not specified:
- If the number of records with same pair in database is one, updates the existing offer. Unspecified offer prices for currencies of the offer are not changed.
- If the number of records with same pair in database is greater than one, deletes all existing offers; then inserts the new offers from the CSV file.
In this example, the data source is a CSV file named MultiCurrencyOfferGroup.csv. The file contains sample offer data. Each column is delimited by a comma. Example of MultiCurrencyOfferGroup.csv file
Standard Price List,1000573,1100456,3,2009-03-15 15:47:00.0,2009-05-15 15:47:00.0,each,10,0,2009-03-16 15:47:00.0,Elegant wine glass,4.50,10.05,30.75,3.48,442.56,6074.84,152.42 Holiday price list,1000574,1100457,5,2009-12-15 15:47:00.0,2009-12-31 15:47:00.0,each,5,0,2009-11-28 15:47:00.0, Decorative bed cover,25,55.84,170.84,19.31,2,458.61,33691.25,846.71 Legacy system price list,1000575,1100458,2,2009-02-15 15:47:00.0,2009-06-02 15:47:00.0,each,10,0,2009-02-22 15:47:00.0, Old Cologne,9.99,22.31,68.27,7.72,982.46,13,463.02,338.35 Overstock price list,1000576,1100459,3,2009-03-15 15:47:00.0,2009-03-31 15:47:00.0,each,10,0,2009-03-16 15:47:00.0, Candle holder,3,6.70,20.50,2.32,295.03,4042.95,101.61The first row in the CSV file can also be column names, which depend on the firstLineIsHeader attribute in the price list data load configuration file. The firstLineIsHeader is an attribute of <_config:DataReader> element.
- firstLineIsHeader
- true
- Indicates that the first line in the CSV file is treated as column name data, and it is not inserted into the database.
- false
- Indicates that the first line in the CSV file is data to be read and inserted into the database.
CSV column and XML element definitions
The column order is defined in the offer data load configuration file. See the number attribute in the <_config:Data> element.
- PriceListUniqueID
- (Optional, String) The identifier of the price list. When there is a data mapping for price list UniqueID in the price list data load configuration file, then the uniqueID is required in the CSV file.
- PriceListName
- (Optional, String) The name of the price list that contains this offer. When we are loading an offer, the price list name or price list UniqueID is optional. When both of them are not provided in the CSV file, the store's default price list name is used to load. If one of them is provided, the provided price list is used to load. If both of them are provided in CSV file, the price list uniqueID is used to load.
- CatentryUniqueID
- (Optional, String) The unique identifier for the related catentry. When there is a data mapping in the offer data load configuration file; then the CatentryUniqueID is required. If both of them are provided in CSV file, the CatentryUniqueID is used to load.
- CatentryPartNumber
- (Required, String) The part number of the catalog entry that this offer is defined for. When we are loading an offer, the CatentryPartNumber name or CatentryUniqueID is required. When both of them are not provided in CSV file, the offer fails to load. If any of them is provided, the provided catentry is used to load. If both of them are provided in CSV file, the CatentryUniqueID is used to load.
- Identifier
(Optional, Double) The number that uniquely identifies the offer when the value for the column is combined with unique catalog entry ID and price list ID values for the offer. Maps to the OFFER.IDENTIFIER database column.
- Precedence
- (Optional, Double) When more than one offer is effective at a particular time, the one with the highest precedence is used. If not specified in the input file, it sets a default value of "0.0".
- StartDate
- (Optional, Timestamp) The start of the time range during which this offer is effective. Use the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.millis.
- EndDate
- (Optional, Timestamp) The end of the time range during which this offer is effective. Use the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.millis.
- QuantityUnitIdentifier
- (Optional, String) The unit of measure for Minimum Quantity and Maximum Quantity.
- MaximumQuantity
- (Optional, Double) The maximum quantity that can be purchased in a single order under this offer.
- MinimumQuantity
- (Optional, Double) The minimum quantity that can be purchased in a single order under this offer.
- LastUpdate
- (Optional, Timestamp) The last time that the offer is updated. Use the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.millis.
- Description
- (Optional, String) The description for this offer.
- PriceInUSD
- (Optional, Decimal) The price in US Dollars.
- PriceInBRL
- (Optional, Decimal) The price in Brazilian Reais.
- PriceInCAD
- (Optional, Decimal) The price in Canadian dollars.
- PriceInCNY
- (Optional, Decimal) The price in Chinese Yuan Renminbi.
- PriceInEUR
- (Optional, Decimal) The price in Euros.
- PriceInJPY
- (Optional, Decimal) The price in Japanese Yen.
- PriceInKRW
- (Optional, Decimal) The price in (South) Korean Won.
- PriceInTWD
- (Optional, Decimal) The price in Taiwanese New Dollars.
Mapping data
The following snippet from the sample configuration file demonstrates how to map each column of data in the source CSV file to a value.
<_config:DataReader className="com.ibm.commerce.foundation.dataload.datareader.CSVReader" firstLineIsHeader="true" > <_config:Data> <_config:column number="1" name="PriceListUniqueId" /> <_config:column number="2" name="PriceListName" /> <_config:column number="3" name="CatentryUniqueId" /> <_config:column number="4" name="CatentryPartNumber" /> <_config:column number="5" name="Identifier" /> <_config:column number="6" name="Precedence" /> <_config:column number="7" name="StartDate" /> <_config:column number="8" name="EndDate" /> <_config:column number="9" name="QuantityUnitIdentifier" /> <_config:column number="10" name="MinimumQuantity" /> <_config:column number="11" name="MaximumQuantity" /> <_config:column number="12" name="LastUpdate" /> <_config:column number="13" name="Description" /> <_config:column number="14" name="PriceInUSD" /> <_config:column number="15" name="PriceInBRL" /> <_config:column number="16" name="PriceInCAD" /> <_config:column number="17" name="PriceInCNY" /> <_config:column number="18" name="PriceInEUR" /> <_config:column number="19" name="PriceInJPY" /> <_config:column number="20" name="PriceInKRW" /> <_config:column number="21" name="PriceInTWD" /> <_config:column number="22" name="Delete" /> </_config:Data> </_config:DataReader>
The number attribute in the <_config:column> element, defines the column order in the CSV record file. The name attribute defines the column name used in the <_config:DataMapping> element. The following snippet from the sample configuration file demonstrates how to map each value to a business object logical schema path.
<_config:DataMapping> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceListIdentifier/UniqueID" value="PriceListUniqueId" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceListIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/Name" value="PriceListName" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/CatalogEntryIdentifier/UniqueID" value="CatentryUniqueId" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/CatalogEntryIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/PartNumber" value="CatentryPartNumber" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Qualifier" value="Identifier" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/precedence" value="Precedence" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/startDate" value="StartDate" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/endDate" value="EndDate" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/lastUpdate" value="LastUpdate" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/quantityUnit" value="QuantityUnitIdentifier" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/minimumQuantity" value="MinimumQuantity" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/maximumQuantity" value="MaximumQuantity" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Description/value" value="Description" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/Price/currency" value="USD" valueFrom="Fixed" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/Price/value" value="PriceInUSD" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/AlternativeCurrencyPrice[0]/currency" value="BRL" valueFrom="Fixed" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/AlternativeCurrencyPrice[0]/value" value="PriceInBRL" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/AlternativeCurrencyPrice[1]/currency" value="CAD" valueFrom="Fixed" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/AlternativeCurrencyPrice[1]/value" value="PriceInCAD" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/AlternativeCurrencyPrice[2]/currency" value="CNY" valueFrom="Fixed" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/AlternativeCurrencyPrice[2]/value" value="PriceInCNY" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/AlternativeCurrencyPrice[3]/currency" value="EUR" valueFrom="Fixed" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/AlternativeCurrencyPrice[3]/value" value="PriceInEUR" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/AlternativeCurrencyPrice[4]/currency" value="JPY" valueFrom="Fixed" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/AlternativeCurrencyPrice[4]/value" value="PriceInJPY" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/AlternativeCurrencyPrice[5]/currency" value="KRW" valueFrom="Fixed" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/AlternativeCurrencyPrice[5]/value" value="PriceInKRW" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/AlternativeCurrencyPrice[6]/currency" value="TWD" valueFrom="Fixed" /> <_config:mapping xpath="PriceEntry[0]/Price/AlternativeCurrencyPrice[6]/value" value="PriceInTWD" valueFrom="InputData" /> <_config:mapping xpath="" value="Delete" valueFrom="InputData" /> </_config:DataMapping>
The value attribute in the <_config:DataMapping> element must be consistent with the name attribute of the corresponding item in the <_config:column> element. Both attributes are case-sensitive.
Business object mediator
The mediator class name is com.ibm.commerce.price.dataload.mediator.OfferMediator.
Note: When we use a mediator that is provided with WebSphere Commerce with the Data Load utility, the utility assumes that we are loading data for all columns for a business object. To update the data in only specific columns, configure a column exclusion list for the load process. A column exclusion list causes the Data Load utility to ignore specific columns during the load operation. If you do not use a column exclusion list, the utility updates all columns in the row of a database table row when the utility updates the row. If no value is set in the input file, the utility can replace the existing column value with a default value or set the value to be null. See Configure a column exclusion list.