Example: Deleting receipts

We can delete receipts by using the Data Load utility. This example uses a CSV file to demonstrate how to delete your receipt information.

This example uses a CSV file to demonstrate how to insert, replace, or delete your data. We can also create and use an XML formatted file to insert, replace, or delete your data. If you choose to create and use an XML formatted file, ensure that your XML elements use the same names as are used for CSV column names.

We can use the Data Load utility to delete receipts data from the database.

CSV file with sample receipt data

In this example, the data source is a CSV file named receipt_delete.csv. The file contains sample receipt data with minimum columns that are necessary for "delete" dataLoadMode. Each column is delimited by a comma.

CSV file with sample receipt data

PartNumber CreateTime CatEntryStoreIdentifier
Example-PN-10002 2005-07-12 01:01:01.123456 10701
Example-PN-10003 2008-05-15 04:04:04.0

Note: When we are deleting a record from RECEIPT table, the corresponding data in the table RCPTAVAIL is also deleted because RCPTAVAIL has cascade constraint on the RECEIPT table.

CSV column and XML element definitions

Other optional fields not included in the example:

Business context data

The following code snippet from the wc-dataload-env.XML configuration file provides the business context data necessary for loading the receipt data:

Mapping data

The following snippet from the sample configuration file demonstrates how to map each column of data in the source CSV file to a value.

The following snippet from the sample configuration file demonstrates how to map each column of the data in the CSV file to a business object logical schema path. The attribute 'value' represents the name of a column of the CSV file that is defined in the configuration snippet. Each column in the CSV file must have a mapping to the logical schema path. If the optional fields previously specified are present in the CSV file, the mapping for them must be added.

Business object mediator

The mediator class name is com.ibm.commerce.inventory.dataload.mediator.InventoryReceiptMediator.

Note: When we use a mediator that is provided with WebSphere Commerce with the Data Load utility, the utility assumes that we are loading data for all columns for a business object. To update the data in only specific columns, configure a column exclusion list for the load process. A column exclusion list causes the Data Load utility to ignore specific columns during the load operation. If you do not use a column exclusion list, the utility updates all columns in the row of a database table row when the utility updates the row. If no value is set in the input file, the utility can replace the existing column value with a default value or set the value to be null. See Configure a column exclusion list.