Promotion folder relationship input file
To create relationships between promotions and promotion folders, load data from a CSV or XML input file into the WebSphere Commerce database. By loading the relationship information, you sort the promotions for a store into folders to make locating promotions easier for business users in the Promotions tool.Before we can create the relationship between promotions and promotion folders, the promotions and promotion folders must exist. To create the promotion folders, we can use the Data Load utility to load the data that creates the folders. See Promotion folder input file.
Important: When you create your input file for loading promotion folder relationships, we can name the columns or elements in your file anything that we want. These names, however, must match the value for the corresponding mapping in the business object configuration file for the object that we are loading. Include a value in your input file for each column or element that is mapped in the business object configuration file. When you do not set a value in your input file, the Data Load utility sets the value in the appropriate database column to be NULL. You do not need to include a value in the input file when a default value is mapped. Configure a default value when we are setting the same value for each object in your input file.
CSV column and XML element definitions
- (Integer) The unique ID of the relationship between a folder and an object in a folder.
- When we are creating a folder relationship, use a combination of the FOLDER_ID and REFERENCE_ID values. Do not set a FOLDERITEM_ID value. The load operation creates the ID value automatically for the folder relationship in the database.
- When we are changing or deleting a folder hierarchy, use the FOLDERITEM_ID value or use a combination of the FOLDER_ID and REFERENCE_ID values.
- (Integer) The unique ID of the folder. Use either the folder IDENTIFIER or the FOLDER_ID to identify a folder.
- When we are creating folders in the same load operation that is creating folder relationships, use the IDENTIFIER value.
- When we are changing or deleting a folder hierarchy, use either value.
- (String) The reference name that identifies the promotion folder. Include either the IDENTIFIER or the FOLDER_ID in your input file. The load operation uses the IDENTIFIER value to resolve the ID for the folder from the FOLDER.FOLDER_ID column. The FOLDER_ID value is then inserted into the FOLDERITEM.FOLDER_ID column for the folder relationship object.
Maps to FOLDER.IDENTIFIER to resolve the value that maps to FOLDERITEM.FOLDER_ID.
- (String) Optional. The unique ID of the promotion object folder item that is referenced by the folder relationship. Set the value to be the value of PX_PROMOTION.PX_PROMOTION_ID column for the object. Include this value when we are creating a folder relationship.
- (String) The name of the logical noun that represents the object included as an object reference in a folder. Set the value to be PromotionType for each folder item in your input file. Alternatively, set the value in the business object configuration to set a default value for all folder items.
- (Integer) The ID of the store that owns the promotion that is being referenced in the promotion folder. This value is not the store that owns the relationship. Include a value for this ID when the store ID is not set in the environment configuration file.
- (String) Optional. A flag that indicates whether to delete the object. Specify the value 1 in the DELETE column to delete the database row for the specified folder object.
Does not map to a database table column.