Marketing element input file definitions
Use a MarketingElement.csv input file to load information to create elements for the marketing activities that belong to a store. After you load the data, business users can manage the new element information for marketing activities with the Marketing tool.We can extract element objects for marketing activities with the Data Extract utility to create a MarketingElement.csv input file that we can then load with the Data Load utility. For example, to copy or move activities and related information between stores or instances, such as for creating one or more test environments. Sample configuration files are provided for you to use with the Data Extract utility to extract the activity data from the DMELEMENT database table. The SQL that the Data Extract utility uses to extract elements extracts data for only the activities that have the type 'WEB', 'DIALOG', 'EMAIL', and 'SEARCH'.
Sample configuration files are also provided for you to use with the Data Load utility to load the element data. When you load the MarketingElement.csv file, the Data Load utility populates the DMELEMENT database table. For more information about extracting and loading marketing data, see
- Extracting marketing data with the Data Extract utility
- Loading marketing objects with the Data Load utility
When you load element information for marketing activities, we might need to load additional information. For example, if the marketing activities do not exist in your target store, we must first load the data to create the activities. Then, we can load the element information. For more information about the marketing activity-related data that we can load, see:
- Marketing activity input file definitions
- Marketing campaign input file definitions
- Marketing element NVP input file definitions
Note: When you load data to insert or replace marketing activity elements for an activity, the utility replaces all existing elements for the activity before the utility inserts new elements. If you do not want the utility to remove all existing elements before the utility inserts new elements, include the replaceAllElements configuration property in the load item configuration for marketing elements. This property indicates whether the Data Load utility replaces the existing elements for an activity with the elements within the input file. We can set the following values for this property:
- true
- The Data Load utility deletes all existing elements for an activity before the utility loads new elements. This value is the default value.
- false
- The Data Load utility does not replace all existing elements. Only the existing elements that match elements in the input file are replaced.
- activityName
- (Required, String) The activity name.
This column or element maps to DMACTIVITY.NAME.
- elementName
- (Required, String) The element name.
This column or element maps to DMELEMENT.NAME.
- parentelementName
- (String) The element name for the parent element.
This column or element maps to DMELEMENT.PARENT.
- sequence
- (Double) The sequence that the element displays under the parent element.
This column or element maps to DMELEMENT.SEQUENCE.
- elementTemplateId
- (String) The identifier for campaign element type.
When we use the Data Extract utility to generate the MarketingElement.csv file, the utility includes the unique ID values in the file. The unique ID values are included by default with WebSphere Commerce and have the same value between stores or instances.
This column or element maps to DMELEMENT.DMELETEMPLATE_ID.
- priority
- (Integer) The priority of the campaign element. If you set the value to be null, the priority of the campaign element is the priority of the associated marketing campaign.
This column or element maps to DMELEMENT.PRIORITY.
- triggerName
- (String) The name of the trigger to detect.
This column or element maps to DMTRIGLSTN.NAME.
- allUsers
- (Integer) Indicates whether all customers can be waiting for the trigger. We can set the following values for this column or element:
- 0
- Only specific customers wait for the trigger.
- 1
- All customers wait for the trigger.
This column or element maps to DMTRIGLSTN.ALLUSERS.
- delete
- (String) Indicates whether to delete the record. Specify 1 to delete the record.
Note: To delete all of the database records that match the records in a file, we can run the Data Load utility in delete mode. See Configure the data load order.