Use the CatalogGroupAsset keyword and a CatalogGroupAsset.csv input file to load category assets. With this input file, we can create and associate attachments, such as images, with categories. After you load this data, business users can manage the attachment associations for the categories with the Catalogs tool.Previously, you could load this data only in CSV formatted files. We can now load information in a CSV or XML formatted input file. Your input file must contain CSV column or XML element names and definitions that specify the characteristics of the business object type we are loading into the database.
Note: Categories must exist before we can associate assets with the categories. Sample configuration files are provided for you to use with the Data Load utility to load the category attachment data. When you load a CatalogGroupAsset input file, the Data Load utility or Catalog Upload feature populates or updates the following database tables:
CSV column and XML element definitions
- (String, Required) The external name used to identify the category.
Maps to CATGROUP.IDENTIFIER and is used to identify the CATGROUP_ID value to populate the ATCHREL.OBJECT_ID column. Displays as the Code value for the category in the Catalogs tool.
- (Decimal) An optional number used to control the order in which the associated asset displays for the category.
Maps to and populates the ATCHREL.SEQUENCE database column. Displays as the Sequence value in the Associated assets table of the Associated Assets tab for the category in the Catalogs tool.
- (String, Required) The identifier for the attachment relation usage. For example, IMAGES.
Maps to the ATCHRLUS.IDENTIFIER database column. Displays as the Usage value in the Associated assets table of the Associated Assets tab for the category in the Catalogs tool.
- (String) The attachment asset path is the relative path of the attachment asset. This path includes the directory path and the file name of the attachment asset. For example, Attachment/mens_pants_cords_sm.gif. Include a value for the AssetPath or the AssetUrl.Maps to and can populate the following database columns:
This value is used to identify the ATCHTGT.ATCHTGT_ID value to populate the ATCHREL.ATCHTGT_ID database column. If the load operation must create the attachment, this value is also used to populate the attachment database tables.
Displays as the Path value in the Associated assets table of the Associated Assets tab for the category in the Catalogs tool. If the load operation must create the attachment, this value also displays as the Code value for the attachment and as the Path value for the file or URL for the attachment.
- (String) The identifier for the attachment target, such as the URL for the asset. Include a value for the AssetUrl or the AssetPath column.Maps to and can populate the following database columns:
This value is used to identify the ATCHTGT.ATCHTGT_ID value to populate the ATCHREL.ATCHTGT_ID database column. If the load operation must create the attachment, this value is also used to populate the attachment database tables.
Displays as the Path value in the Associated assets table of the Associated Assets tab for the category in the Catalogs tool. If the load operation must create the attachment, this value also displays as the Code value for the attachment and as the Path value for the file or URL for the attachment.
- (String) The language-specific display name of the category asset.Maps to and can populate the following database columns:
Displays as the Display name value in the Associated assets table of the Associated Assets tab for the category in the Catalogs tool. If the load operation must create the attachment, this value is also used as the Administrative name for the attachment.
- (String) The language-specific short description of the category asset.Maps to and can populate the following database columns:
Displays as the Short description value in the Associated assets table of the Associated Assets tab for the category in the Catalogs tool. If the load operation must create the attachment, this value is also used as the Short description for the attachment.
- (String) The language-specific long description of the category asset.Maps to and can populate the following database columns:
Displays as the Long description value in the Associated assets table of the Associated Assets tab for the category in the Catalogs tool. If the load operation must create the attachment, this value is also used as the Long description for the attachment.
- (Integer) The language ID for language-specific fields (Name, ShortDescription, LongDescription). For example:
- -1 for English
- -2 for French
Maps to and can populate the following database columns:
If the load operation must create the attachment, this value is used to indicate the language for the language-specific fields of the attachment.
- (String) A flag that indicates whether to delete. Specify 1 to delete the row.