Vendor assets

A Vendors package. A vendor represents a source for merchandise that is received at a fulfillment center, or expected to be received at a fulfillment center. Vendors are not particular to any store, but rather each store can work with vendors. Since each store can work with Vendors, the store object is shown as dependent on the Vendor package. A vendor represents a source for merchandise that is received at a fulfillment center, or expected to be received at a fulfillment center. By using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, we can view a list of all vendors, create a vendor, change an existing vendor, and delete a vendor.

The vendor record includes information about the vendor, such as the name, address, and contact information. Vendors must be created before the store can create expected inventory records.

Expected inventory records are shown by vendor, External ID (typically a purchase order number), and order date on the Expected Inventory page.

The following section describes the relationships between a vendor, a store, and other assets.