WebSphere Commerce services error information

When an exception occurs during the processing of a message, the OAGIS convention is to return a well-formed response message, with the error data embedded. The ChangeStatus element is used to store exception data; if the request was completed successfully, this area is not populated. Because only one action per message is supported, there can be only one error per message. For this reason the limitation of one ChangeStatus area per message is reasonable.

Within the response criteria, the ResponseExpression indicates the actionCode of the request and the ChangeStatus element contains exception information if the request fails. The following is a mapping of exception and the ChangeStatus.

The following example shows a Respond error message:

The ChangeStatus area is used only for error reporting. If this area is not present in the BOD, then you know that processing has been completed successfully.

If the request fails with an error, the Noun in the DataArea should be not be present (null). The rationale is that a defined noun might have required fields, and the exception handling code might not have sufficient information to populate these fields properly. It therefore makes more sense to pass back the response with an empty Noun.

The error handling that is part of the foundation of processing business object documents will take care of populating the change status of the response.

Related concepts
Message mappers
Service Data Objects (SDO)
Design pattern for Get service implementation (SOI)
Design patterns

Related tasks
Creating the component facade

Related reference
Client library exceptions