(Enterprise)Run the list price migration utility
By running the list price migration utility, you migrate your existing list price data from the LISTPRICE table to different database tables (OFFER, OFFERPRICE, and OFFERDESC). The migration utility uses the Data Load utility to perform the migration.
Before beginning
- Complete all tasks leading up to this task in Task flow: Set up an existing store to use Management Center price rules and price lists.
- Ensure you have reviewed and understood the information in Deciding whether to migrate list price data.
Task info
This task applies to:
- Single stores (stores that are not extended site stores)
- Extended sites – complete this task on the following stores:
- Storefront asset store
- Catalog asset store
- Each extended site store
The list price migration utility is a script that loads a data load configuration file to perform the migration. A sample data load configuration file (wc-listprice.xml) containing the correct settings for this list price migration is provided.
This supplied data load configuration file points to two other standard data load configuration files that must be present on your machine before running the migration utility:
- Data Load utility environment settings file (wc-dataload-env.xml)
- Data Load utility business object configuration file (wc-loader-offer.xml)
- Copy the sample data load configuration file (wc-listprice.xml) to the correct location for the list price migration utility:
Copy this file To this location
(Developer) For the WebSphere Commerce development environment, we must download the wc-listprice.xml file from the following link:
- (Enterprise) For a WebSphere Commerce server, the file installs at this path:
(Developer) WCDE_installdir/samples/DataLoad/Price/MigrateListPrice/
- (Enterprise) WC_installdir/samples/DataLoad/Price/MigrateListPrice/
- Make sure your existing data load configuration files are set up appropriately for the store we are migrating:
- Make sure the wc-dataload-env.xml file is at the following path:
(Developer) WCDE_installdir/samples/DataLoad/Price/wc-dataload-env.xml
- (Enterprise) WC_installdir/samples/DataLoad/Price/wc-dataload-env.xml
Alternatively, we can change the path specified in the supplied data load configuration file (wc-listprice.xml).
- Check the environment variables in the wc-dataload-env.xml file. See Configure the data load environment settings.
- Make sure you have a valid business object configuration file at the following path:
(Developer) WCDE_installdir/samples/DataLoad/Price/Offer/wc-loader-offer.xml
- (Enterprise) WC_installdir/samples/DataLoad/Price/Offer/wc-loader-offer.xml
Alternatively, we can change the path specified in the supplied data load configuration file (wc-listprice.xml).
- (Linux) Ensure that you run the list price migration utility as the appropriate user:
- (Linux) su - wasuser_ID where: wasuser_ID is the non-root user ID created before installing WebSphere Commerce. The default WebSphere Application Server user name is wasuser.
- Check the logging configuration in the data load logging file and make any necessary changes:
(Developer) WCDE_installdir/workspace_dir/WC/xml/config/dataload/logging.properties
- (Enterprise) workspace_dir/WC/xml/config/dataload/logging.properties
The following settings in this file are relevant to this migration utility:
Setting Description Logging level Specify either:
- level=INFO
- This is the typical level to use while running the utility. This level also lists all SQL statements we can use to roll back the migration.
- level=FINE
- This level lists all details as the utility runs. Use this level if you encounter errors or exceptions during the migration and you need additional information for troubleshooting.
Log file location java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern=../logs/wc-dataload.log
The Data Load utility provides some command line options to change the trace level. See the Data Load utility.
An error log file is generated for the migration, if there are any errors. The error log file is located in the same directory as the wc-dataload.log file.
- Open a command prompt window.
- Run the list price migration utility with arguments specifying the build file and the store ID.
(Developer) Call the migration script with the following command:
- WCDE_installdir/bin/migrateListPrice /WCDE_installdir/samples/DataLoad/Price/MigrateListPrice/wc-listprice.xml -storeId=storeId -clearListPrice=CLEAR
- -storeId
- Required: The ID of the store we are migrating, as defined in the STORE_ID column of the STORE table.
- -clearListPrice
- Optional: Include this parameter only if we want the utility to also clear the LISTPRICE table for the store's catalog entries. The utility will clear the table only if there are no errors in the migration. Typically, you should exclude this parameter from the command, but we might want to clean out the old data during migration.
- (Enterprise) Call the migration script with the following command:
- (Linux) WC_installdir/bin/migrateListPrice.sh WC_installdir/samples/DataLoad/Price/MigrateListPrice/wc-listprice.xml -Dinstance=instance_name -storeId=storeId -clearListPrice=CLEAR
- -Dinstance
- (Required) Specifies the instance we want to migrate. When using this parameter, replace instance_name with the name of the WebSphere Commerce instance for which we are migrating the list price data.
- -storeId
- (Required) The ID of the store we are migrating, as defined in the STORE_ID column of the STORE table.
- -clearListPrice
- Optional: Indicates to clear the LISTPRICE table for the store's catalog entries, after migrating the data to the "OFFER" tables.
- Review the log file to understand the results of the migration. The location of the log file is configured in the logging.properties file; for more information, see step 4.
- At this point in the task flow, you should be able to view the applicable price lists and price rules that the migration utility has created in Management Center. To perform this check:
- Open the Catalog Filter and Pricing tool in Management Center, and select your store.
- In the explorer view, click the Price Lists folder.
- In the Price Lists - List page, look for the following two price lists that the migration utility has created (not applicable to storefront asset stores):
Names of price lists according to store type
Type of price list For this store type... The price list name is... 1. Offer Price list Single store (not an extended site store) storeIdentifier Example: Madisons
Catalog asset store storeIdentifier Example: Extended Sites Catalog Asset Store
Extended site store storeIdentifier ProductsPriceList Example: MadisonsESite ProductsPriceList
In the extended site store, you will also see the Offer Price list from the catalog asset store; this price list will display a black arrow in the Type column.
2. List Price list Single store (not an extended site store) storeIdentifierList Example: MadisonsList
Catalog asset store storeIdentifierList Example: Extended Sites Catalog Asset StoreList
Extended site store storeIdentifierList Example: MadisonsESiteList
In the extended site store, you will also see the List Price list from the catalog asset store; this price list will display a black arrow in the Type column.
- In the explorer view, click the Price Rules folder.
- In the Price Rules - List page, look for the following price rule that the migration utility has created (not applicable to catalog asset stores):
- List price rule
- Close Management Center.
Previous topic: Deciding whether to migrate list price data
Next topic: Updating the List price rule of extended site stores
Related concepts
Price lists