Enable and disabling the optimized shipping calculation command
The optimized shipping calculation command provides improved performance for sites that encounter shopping carts that include hundreds of order items or more.
- Enable optimized shipping calculation command.
- Register this command as a calculation method for shipping in the CALMETHOD table. For example:
INSERT INTO CALMETHOD (CALMETHOD_ID, STOREENT_ID, CALUSAGE_ID, TASKNAME, DESCRIPTION, SUBCLASS, NAME) VALUES ( method_ID, -1, -2, 'com.ibm.commerce.order.calculation.FastShippingCalculationRuleCombineCmd', 'Sample CalculationRuleCombine method for shipping to improve performance', 5, 'FastShippingCalculationCodeCombine')
Get the original value of STENCALUSG.ACTRC_CALMETHOD_ID, using SQL. For example: SELECT ACTRC_CALMETHOD_ID FROM STENCALUSG WHERE CALUSAGE_ID=-2Record this value, in case we want to later disable this command.
Update the shipping configuration in the STENCALUSG table to refer to this calculation method. For example: UPDATE STENCALUSG SET ACTRC_CALMETHOD_ID= method_ID WHERE CALUSAGE_ID=-2
Update the Commerce Commands registry
To disable the optimized shipping calculation command:
- Get the original value found in step 2 of the enablement procedure.
- Update the shipping configuration in the STENCALUSG table to refer to this calculation method. For example:
- Update the Commerce Commands registry.