Finding organizations
Use the Organization Administration Console to find organizations.
- Organization Administration Console allows you, and the buyer's administrators to control the organizations that access your site or store. Tasks that you are authorized to perform in your role are displayed on the Organization Administration Console home page menus. These tasks are based on user roles and authority levels, which are defined in XML files on your WebSphere Commerce system and are assigned by the Site Administrator by using the Administration Console. To return to the Organization Administration Console home page, click the Home link at the top right of the screen.">Open the Organization Administration Console.
- Select .
- In the Name field, type all or part of the name of the organization (for example, seller organization or seller).
- In the Parent Organization field, type in the name of the parent organization (for example, root organization or root).
- Click Find. The system performs a fuzzy search and displays a list of organizations that match the search criteria.