Tune the price rule object cache

We can improve performance by changing the size of the cache used to store price rule business objects during storefront runtime.

Task info

The object cache instance PriceRuleCache is used to cache the price rule business objects.


  1. Open the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.

  2. Click Resources.

  3. Click Cache instances.

  4. Click Object cache instances.

  5. Click PriceRuleCache, and in the page displayed, change the value for the Cache size.

  6. Optional: If we are using a staging environment, or a utility such as massload, clear the price rule cache entries after the data is pushed to production. To clear the cache, run the scheduler job InvalidatePriceRuleCache using the Administration Console.

Related concepts
Price rule object cache overview
Dynamic cache invalidation for prices generated by price rules
Dynamic caching

Related tasks
Setting up dynamic cache invalidation for prices generated by price rules