Configure the Oracle database connection for utilities to authenticate users with Oracle Wallet
We can configure certain WebSphere Commerce utilities to authenticate users with an Oracle Wallet when a utility is connecting to an Oracle database. By using an Oracle Wallet to authenticate users, we can make the database connection process for certain WebSphere Commerce utilities to an Oracle database more secure.WebSphere Commerce utilities, such as the stagingprop utility, use the AllDBConnector class to establish a database connection. By configuring this class to work with an Oracle Wallet, the class can use SSL certificates or encrypted passwords in the Wallet to authenticate a user when a utility must establish a database connection. As part of configuring the AllDBConnector class to use an Oracle Wallet, we must create an Oracle Wallet and add the required SSL certificates or passwords into the Wallet. For more information about using an Oracle Wallet, see
Oracle Technology Network.We can configure the AllDBConnector to use an Oracle Wallet to authenticate users for any utility that uses the AllDBConnector class to establish a database connection. For the list of utilities that use this class, see Database connection acquisition for utilities and Ant tasks. Before we can use an Oracle Wallet with a utility, the utility must have the correct override configuration defined in the alldbconnector.xml configuration file.
When we are configuring the AllDBConnector class to use an Oracle Wallet to authenticate users, we can choose either of the following configuration options:
- Configure utilities to authenticate users with an SSL certificate and client password
- Configure utilities to authenticate users with a client and server SSL certificate
- Configure utilities to authenticate users with an Oracle Wallet encrypted passwords
Related reference
stagingcopy utility
stagingprop utility