Creating an access control policy

We must have Site Administrator authority to create an access control policy.


  1. Open the Organization Administration Console.

  2. From the Access Management menu, click Policies. A list of policies displays.

  3. Click New.

  4. On the New Policy page:

    • For Name, specify the unique policy name.

    • For Display Name, specify the locale specific name for the new policy.

    • For Description, type a description of the policy.

    • For User Group, click Find. The Find User Group page displays.

    • On the Find User Group page, check the box beside the user group to work with, click OK. or click the user group hyperlink to select that user group and to return to the previous page.

    • For Resource Group select the resource group to which the policy applies. Note that only those resource groups that have action groups associated with them are displayed. In addition, the Action Group and Relationship fields are dependent on the resource group we select.

    • For Action Group select the action group.

    • For Relationship select the relationship. Note that this field is optional.

    • If the Policy Type is for the default organization select Default Organization Policy. Note that this option is available only for the Site Administrator.

    • Click OK. A message box tells you that a policy has been added and prompts you to refresh the Policy Registry to apply recent changes to the run-time environment. Click OK.