Catalog export configuration files

We can work with the catalog export configuration files to customize how catalog data gets exported.

The catalog export configuration files are located in the following directory: workspace_dir\WC\xml\config\\dataextract

Handling parameters in the configuration files

The wc-dataload.xml file determines the main input parameters to consider when catalog exports from the Swagger UI are run. For example, it performs certain tasks based on whether you indicate the export of categories or products.

We can specify optional, comma-separated parameters in JSON format when you post the body of the catalog_export class. The wc-dataload.xml file contains the following optional parameters:

The business object configuration files contain optional parameters, depending on whether you indicate category or products as the export object type. The following optional parameters are for the export of the product object type:

For more information about when these optional handler-specific parameters can be used, see the content of the catalog export configuration files. In addition to the optional values, we can also specify the optional query parameters that are available to all REST services. For example, to scope the catalog export based on the 10001 catalog ID,

For a list of all the optional query parameters that can be used with the WebSphere Commerce REST API, see WebSphere Commerce Storefront REST API.

Extending the catalog export configuration files

To extend the catalog export configuration files, create the following directory structure:

Then, in the new extension directory, create new files that contain only the changed parameter values that we want to use.