Example: Allow procurement shopping cart managers to manage the procurement shopping cart for orders created by their organization

By default, procurement shopping cart managers are authorized to manage the procurement shopping cart when they have created the order. In some cases, we can extend the authority of procurement shopping cart managers to let them manage the procurement cart for orders created by any member of their organization.

By default, procurement shopping cart managers are authorized to manage the procurement shopping cart when they have created the order. In some cases, we can extend the authority of procurement shopping cart managers to let them manage the procurement cart for orders created by any member of their organization.

To make this change, you need to do the following:

Change the resource relationship for the resource-level policy

  1. Find the resource-level policy that authorizes procurement shopping cart managers to manage procurement shopping carts for orders. The policy is:


  2. From the Organization Administration Console, click Access Management > Policies.

  3. For View, select Root Organization to display policies it owns.

  4. From the list of policies, select the following:


  5. Click Change to display the Change Policy page.

  6. For Relationship, select sameOrganizationalEntityAsCreator.

  7. Click OK.

Update the access control policy registry with our changes

  1. Open the Administration Console.

  2. Click Configuration > Registry.

  3. From the list of registries, select Access Control Policies.

  4. Click Update.