Program guide > (deprecated) Partitioning facility > Partitioning facility programming
Deprecated feature: The partitioning facility (WPF) feature is deprecated. You can configure partitioning with WebSphere eXtreme Scale.
Develop partitioning facility applications with WSAD v5.1
About this taskThis section describes how to use WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) to create a partitioned Java™ 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application. Also, this section includes information for how to ensure that WSAD is enabled correctly and how to create a new partitioned Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application. Or, you can work with a partitioning facility (WPF) framework example, modify it, repackage, update the partitioned J2EE application with the wpfstubutil, then run the example. The following steps can be used, in most cases, if you use Rational Application Developer (RAD) to develop samples as well.
Parent topic:
Partitioning facility programming
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Partitioning facility programming
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Use WSAD 5.1 with a new partitioned application