Program guide > (deprecated) Partitioning facility > Partitioning facility programming > Partitioning facility framework programming model

Deprecated feature: The partitioning facility (WPF) feature is deprecated. You can configure partitioning with WebSphere eXtreme Scale.

Modify the enterprise bean stubs

The normal Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) deployment process produces cluster-enabled stubs. These stubs can be modified with a second pass to be partition routable. The tool that is provided takes the EAR file and produces a new EAR file with the newly modified stubs. The stubs are modified for all the partition routable enterprise beans. A partition routable enterprise bean is a stateless session bean with a remote interface and an associated XXX_PartitionKey router class.

The wpfStubUtil tool is located in the <WAS_install_root>/bin directory. Run this tool for partitioned EAR files after ejbdeploy is run. The usage for wpfStubUtil follows. The tool can fail if the order is not preserved:

wpfStubUtil -ear
<earname> -jar
<jarname> -class
<class_name> -temp
temp working directory> [optional flags: -stubUpdateClasspath
> -verbose -stubDebug -keep -rmicextclasspath
<javac extdirs>]

The -ear, -jar, -class, and -temp are all required. The -stubUpdateClasspath command is optional, but if it is used it must be the first argument after the temp working directory.

An explanation of each option:

-ear <ear name>

The ear containing the partitioned application.

-jar <jar name>

The enterprise bean jar within the ear that contains the partitioned enterprise bean.

-class <class name>

The remote interface class of the bean.

-temp <temp working directory>

The directory where all the work takes place.

-stubUpdateClasspath <class path>

(optional) The tool will append its classpath with what the user passes.


(optional) Verbose option for the tool output.


(optional) Puts extra debugging output in the stub. This option should not be used in a production environment.


(optional) Does not delete the contents of the temporary working directory after tool is finished.

-rmicextclasspath <classpath>

(optional) Appends what the user passes in to the rmic classpath.

-extdirs <javac extdirs>

(optional) Appends what the user passes in to the javac extdirs.
The wpfStubUtil can update any session enterprise beans with XXX_PartitionKey class defined. These Session enterprise beans can be either partition routable session bean (PRSB) or partitioned stateless session bean (PSSB).

An example of running wpfStubUtil for an ear containing a façade PRSB bean:

C:\stub>\ws\Application server\bin\wpfStubUtil.cmd -ear 
D_WPFFacadePartitionSample.ear -jar 
WPFKeyBasedPartitionEJB.jar -class com/ibm/websphere/wpf/ejb/
WPFKeyBasedPartition.class -temp \working
A subdirectory or file \working already exists.
WPFC0069I: Unpacking ear file D_WPFFacadePartitionSample.ear
WPFC0070I: Unpacking jar file WPFKeyBasedPartitionEJB.jar
WPFC0071I: Running rmic to generate stub source
[rmic output - removed]
 [done in 2334 ms]
WPFC0072I: Updating stub source
WPFC0073I: Compiling modified stub source
WPFC0074I: Rejaring jar file WPFKeyBasedPartitionEJB.jar
WPFC0075I: Rejaring ear file D_WPFFacadePartitionSample.ear
Cleaning up

An example of running wpfStubUtil for two ears containing partitioned routable session beans. Notice the D_StockAccount.ear requires an extra jar file (StockEJB.jar) to be appended to the rmic classpath (-rmicextclasspath), stubUpdateClasspath (-stubUpdateClasspath), and javac ext dirs (-extdirs):

C:\stub>\ws\Application server\bin\wpfStubUtil.cmd -ear D_Stock.ear 
-jar StockEJB.jar -class 
wpf/test/stock/ejb/ProcessStock.class -temp \working
A subdirectory or file \working already exists.
WPFC0069I: Unpacking ear file D_Stock.ear
WPFC0070I: Unpacking jar file StockEJB.jar
WPFC0071I: Running rmic to generate stub source
[rmic output - removed]
 [done in 2324 ms]
WPFC0072I: Updating stub source
WPFC0073I: Compiling modified stub source
WPFC0074I: Rejaring jar file StockEJB.jar
WPFC0075I: Rejaring ear file D_Stock.ear
Cleaning up

C:\stub>\ws\Application server\bin\wpfStubUtil.cmd -ear 
D_StockAccount.ear -jar 
StockAccountEJB.jar -class wpf/test/stockaccount/ejb/
Process.class -temp \working 
-stubUpdateClasspath \stub\StockEJB.jar -rmiextclasspath \stub\ 
StockEJB.jar -extdirs 
A subdirectory or file \working already exists.
WPFC0069I: Unpacking ear file D_StockAccount.ear
WPFC0070I: Unpacking jar file StockAccountEJB.jar
WPFC0071I: Running rmic to generate stub source
[rmic output - removed]
[done in 2333 ms]
WPFC0072I: Updating stub source
WPFC0073I: Compiling modified stub source
WPFC0074I: Rejaring jar file StockAccountEJB.jar
WPFC0075I: Rejaring ear file D_StockAccount.ear
Cleaning up

An example of running wpfStubUtil for an ear containing only a partitioned stateless session bean:

C:\stub>\ws\Application server\bin\wpfStubUtil.cmd -ear 
-jar WPFKeyBasedPartitionEJB.jar -class com/ibm/websphere/wpf/ejb/
 -temp \working
A subdirectory or file \working already exists.
WPFC0069I: Unpacking ear file D_WPFKeyBasedPartitionSample.ear
WPFC0070I: Unpacking jar file WPFKeyBasedPartitionEJB.jar
WPFC0071I: Running rmic to generate stub source
[rmic output - removed]
[done in 2373 ms]
WPFC0072I: Updating stub source
WPFC0073I: Compiling modified stub source
WPFC0074I: Rejaring jar file WPFKeyBasedPartitionEJB.jar
WPFC0075I: Rejaring ear file D_WPFKeyBasedPartitionSample.ear
Cleaning up

There are some instances where the wpfStubUtil cannot find a class even though it is located in a jar that is specified in the classpath. In these cases, unjar all of the classes from the jar containing the class it cannot find in the -temp <temp working directory>.

Parent topic:

Partitioning facility framework programming model

Related concepts

Partitioning facility framework programming model


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