Administer > Manage WebSphere Commerce features > Workspace Administration Tool > Workspaces, task groups, and tasks > Work with task groups
Enable retry for quick publish
When creating a task group in the workspace, if you enable quick publish, the files and data changes in the task group is published to production as soon as all tasks are marked complete and all approvals are satisfied. However, if quick publish fails, the files do not get published. You can enable quick publish retry so that quick publish keeps retrying for a number of times after the first attempt.
- Update the wc-resource-containers.xml file.
- Open the WC_PROFILE\installedApps\cell_name\WC_EAR\xml\content-management\wc-resource-contairs.xml file for editing.
- In the wc-resource-containers.xml file, locate the <wc:QuickPublishConfiguration> element, and add the retry and waitTime parameters as shown:
<wc:QuickPublishConfiguration> <wc:Publisher className="" initParameters="batchSize=0" retry="5" waitTime="60"/> </wc:QuickPublishConfiguration>
- Update the wc-resource-containers.xsd file.
- Open the WC_PROFILE\installedApps\cell_name\WC_EAR\xml\content-management\xsd\wc-resource-contairs.xsd file for editing.
- In the wc-resource-containers.xsd file, locate the Publisher element, and add the retry and waitTime attributes as shown:
<element name="Publisher"> <complexType> <attribute name="className" type="string" use="required"/> <attribute name="initParameters" type="string" use="optional"/> <attribute name="retry" type="int" use="optional" form="unqualified"> <annotation> <documentation>Specify the number of times the content publisher should attempt the transaction again when it encounters a transaction rollback.</documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="waittime" type="int" use="optional" form="unqualified"> <annotation> <documentation>Specify the number of seconds the content publisher should wait between retry attempts. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> </element>