Tutorials > Content management > Create a content-managed resource > Integrate the new resource

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Update the properties file

Some new properties need to be added to the catalog properties file.


  1. Update the properties file to display the new labels on the JSP pages.

  2. In WC_EAR/properties/com/ibm/commerce/tools/catalog/properties, open the CatalogNLS_en_US.properties file and insert the following properties:

    NavCatCatalogCreate_Fullimage=Full size image file and location
    NavCatCatalogCreate_Frontimage=Front image file and location
    NavCatCatalogCreate_Backimage=Back image file and location
    NavCatCatalogCreate_Sideimage=Side image file and location
    NavCatCatalogCreate_Topimage=Top image file and location

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