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Update NavCatCatalogCreateContent.jsp

This WebSphere Commerce Accelerator JSP will be modified to include new fields for the new extended catalog information.


  1. In the Enterprise Explorer view, navigate to CommerceAccelerator > WebContent > tools > catalog.

  2. Find and double-click NavCatCatalogCreateContent.jsp in the list of JSP files to open the file in the editor.

  3. Add HTML form elements to capture the extended information. Insert this into the file before the </TABLE> tag.

    <LABEL for="CatalogFrontImage">
    <INPUT SIZE=60 MAXLENGTH=254 ONBLUR=updateLanguageInfo() ID="CatalogFrontImage" NAME=CatalogFrontImage VALUE="">
    <LABEL for="CatalogBackImage">
    <INPUT SIZE=60 
    <LABEL for="CatalogSideImage">
    <INPUT SIZE=60 
           NAME=CatalogSideImage VALUE="">
    <TR><TD><LABEL for="CatalogTopImage"><%=UIUtil.toHTML((String)rbCategory.get("NavCatCatalogCreate_Topimage"))%></LABEL></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD><INPUT SIZE=60 MAXLENGTH=254 ONBLUR=updateLanguageInfo() ID="CatalogTopImage" NAME=CatalogTopImage VALUE=""></TD></TR>

  4. Add the page following page import to the JSP file:

    <%@ page import = "com.mycompany.catalog.objects.ExtendedCatalogDescriptionAccessBean"%>

  5. Modify some existing JavaScript functions. Add the code in italics to the following functions:

          // descriptionObject(languageId) 
          // @param languageId - the language of this description object
          // - this defines the description object for the specified language
          function descriptionObject(languageId) 
                this.languageId = languageId;
                this.name             = "";
                this.shortDescription = "";
                this.longDescription  = "";
                this.thumbnail        = "";
                this.fullimage        = "";
                this.frontimage         = "";
                this.backimage          = "";
                this.sideimage          = "";
                this.topimage           = "";
          // selectLanguage() 
          // - this function saves the values when a language is selected
          function selectLanguage()
                var i = languageSelect.selectedIndex;
                if (i == 0)
                      CatalogCode.disabled = false;
                      CatalogDesc.disabled = false;
                      CategoryName.value      = vLanguages[i].name;
                      CategoryShortDesc.value = vLanguages[i].shortDescription;
                      CategoryLongDesc.value  = vLanguages[i].longDescription;
                      CategoryThumbNail.value = vLanguages[i].thumbnail;
                      CategoryFullImage.value = vLanguages[i].fullimage;
                      CatalogFrontImage.value = vLanguages[i].frontimage;
                      CatalogBackImage.value  = vLanguages[i].backimage;
                      CatalogSideImage.value  = vLanguages[i].sideimage;
                      CatalogTopImage.value   = vLanguages[i].topimage;
                      if (trim(CatalogCode.value) == "")
                            alertDialog("<%= UIUtil.toJavaScript((String)rbCategory.get("NavCatCatalogCreate_ErrorDefaultLangFirst"))%>"); 
                            languageSelect.selectedIndex = 0;
                            CatalogCode.disabled = true;
                            CatalogDesc.disabled = true;
                            CategoryName.value      = vLanguages[i].name;
                            CategoryShortDesc.value = vLanguages[i].shortDescription;
                            CategoryLongDesc.value  = vLanguages[i].longDescription;
                            CategoryThumbNail.value = vLanguages[i].thumbnail;
                            CategoryFullImage.value = vLanguages[i].fullimage;
                            CatalogFrontImage.value = vLanguages[i].frontimage;
                            CatalogBackImage.value  = vLanguages[i].backimage;
                            CatalogSideImage.value  = vLanguages[i].sideimage;
                            CatalogTopImage.value   = vLanguages[i].topimage;
          // updateLanguageInfo() 
          // - this function updates the information upon language change
          function updateLanguageInfo()
                var i = languageSelect.selectedIndex;
                vLanguages[i].name             = CategoryName.value;
                vLanguages[i].shortDescription = CategoryShortDesc.value;
                vLanguages[i].longDescription  = CategoryLongDesc.value;
                vLanguages[i].thumbnail        = CategoryThumbNail.value;
                vLanguages[i].fullimage        = CategoryFullImage.value;
                vLanguages[i].frontimage       = CatalogFrontImage.value;
                vLanguages[i].backimage        = CatalogBackImage.value;
                vLanguages[i].sideimage        = CatalogSideImage.value;
                vLanguages[i].topimage         = CatalogTopImage.value;

  6. Save the file.

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