Tutorials > Content management > Create a content-managed resource > Integrate the new resource
Delete a managed resource
A task command is not required for deleting the extended description information as this is handled by the database constraint added when creating the new table. When the description is deleted in the CATALOGDSC table, it will be cascade deleted in the EXTCATALOGDSC table.
Constraint previously created: constraint f_EXTCATALOGDSC foreign key (LANGUAGE_ID, CATALOG_ID) references CATALOGDSC (LANGUAGE_ID, CATALOG_ID) on delete cascade);
If needed, the resource manager framework can also delete a managed resource.
- In the task command for deleting, obtain the resource manager the same way that was done for the creating and updating task commands. ResourceManager rmMyResourceManager = MyResourceContainer.singleton().getResourceManager("MyResourceManagerName");
- Call the deleteManagedResource method of the ResourceManager class. rmMyResourceManager.deleteManagedResource(getCommandContext().getActivityToken(), myResourceAccessBeanToDelete);