Develop > Business logic layer > Workspaces support for BOD service modules
Use authoring access profiles with workspaces
Access profiles can be used to convey the intent of a query, and for workspaces, are used to indicate when a request is made for authoring or display purposes. This allows you to see and show additional metadata about the business objects when you are working in an authoring environment. Access profiles indicate the amount of data to retrieve about the business objects. This includes the information contained within the business object and additional metadata that can be associated with the object.
For the purposes of authoring, a service request can use a specific access profile to get a particular view of the data. Authoring access profiles return all data that can be changed by a user, as well as locking information. This is in contrast with Store access profiles that return only the data that the shopper is entitled to see, without the locking information
Author access profiles can include change control metadata pertaining to the nouns being returned. One implementation of this is by leveraging the InsertMoreData command concept of the Business Object Document Get processing pattern, where a command is registered to populate change control information metadata for each of the business objects returned by a Get service.
Author access profiles for WebSphere Commerce services follow a naming convention of IBM_Admin_View where View indicates the view data to return. For example, when retrieving a detailed view of a CatalogEntry with the intent to author, the access profile is IBM_Admin_Details. This indicates that the result should include a detailed version of the catalog entry which includes attributes and elements required when authoring. This also indicates that additional information can be included within the show response of the request.
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