Administer > Manage WebSphere Commerce features > WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal
Maintain the WebSphere Commerce portlet application
There are two ways to apply fixes or updates to the MVC Portlet application which is already installed and deployed to the WebSphere Portal server:
Use the Portal Administrative PortletUpdate a portlet application by updating the WAR file in Manage Web Modules. The newer version of the resource in the WAR file updates the existing portlet application, without breaking the links between user data and the resource. User-specific settings for portlets within the updated resource remain unchanged.
Before a selected Web module is updated, WebSphere Portal checks for an identical resource name in the selected WAR file. If the name of the selected object and the object name in the deployment descriptor of the WAR file do not match, the update is not performed, and a message is displayed. When a Web module is updated, WebSphere Application Server removes the existing files and installs the updated application in the same directory.
New parameters that are introduced by the updated Web module are always added to the Web module.
See Manage portlets and portlet applications for more information.
Use the WebSphere Application Server Administrative ConsoleThe Administrative Console provides the ability to update partial applications. This feature allows updates to multiple files of an installed application by uploading a compressed file which is in a format such as .zip or .gzip. Depending on the contents of the compressed file, a single use of this option can replace files in, add new files to, and delete files from the installed application. Each entry in the compressed file is treated as a single file and the path of the file from the root of the compressed file is treated as the relative path of the file in the installed application.
For more information, see the Updating applications with the consoletopic in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.
- Add a new WebSphere Commerce component service to MVCPortlet
After creating a new WebSphere Commerce component service, register the client library and its runtime objects to the MVCPortlet application for the new component service to be available for use in the MVCPortlets.
- Upgrade an existing WebSphere Commerce component service in MVCPortlet
It can become necessary over time to upgrade the existing WebSphere Commerce component service in the MVCPortlet application.
Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal
WebSphere Commerce Portal Integration site architecture
Single sign-on (SSO) and WebSphere Commerce Portal
WebSphere Commerce Portal Integration site architecture
Related tasks
Configure the sample portlets in the server environment
Configure the sample portlets in the development environment