Tutorials > Portal > Portal > Call the TutorialStore service in a portlet
Test the GetStore portlet
This section of the tutorial will show you how to use the WebSphere Commerce standard portlet you have just modified to communicate with the TutorialStore service that you created in the previous tutorial. In this section, you start the WebSphere Portal test server and run the WebSphere Commerce JSR 168 standard portlet project, MVCPortlet.
- Start the TCP/IP monitor. This TCP/IP monitor enables you to capture and display the BOD messages which will be sent to the WebSphere Commerce server using the client library.
- Select Window > Show View > Other.
- Select Debug > TCP/IP Monitor.
- Click OK.
- Select the TCP/IP Monitor.
- Open the TCP/IP Monitor properties by clicking the black triangle on the right side of the TCP/IP Monitor.
- Select the already created TCP/IP monitor for localhost.
If you have no completed Tutorial: Creating a WebSphere Commerce service module, select the other TCP/IP monitor instead. This TCP/IP monitor will route the service request to another WebSphere Commerce server which is located on a different machine on the network.
- Click Start.
- Click OK.
- Right-click the WebSphere Portal v6.1 Server and select Start.
This task should take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
When finished, you should see a line stating WSVR0001I: Server WebSphere_Portal open for e-business from the Console view.
- Verify the WebSphere Commerce server is running. To verify that the WebSphere Commerce server is running, switch to the WebSphere Commerce Developer workbench and check the server status:
If the WebSphere Commerce server is not running:
- Launch the Rational Application Developer internal web browser.
- After the Portal server is started successfully, right-click on the MVCPortlet project; then click Run As > Run on Server > WebSphere Portal v6.1 Server.
- Click Finish. A browser window containing the portal is displayed.
- After the portlets appear, we will notice the Tutorial Store portlet is located at the bottom of the page.
- Optional: Review the GetStore request message in TCP/IP Monitor. TCP/IP Monitor displays messages exchanged between client and server at the HTTP level, and is helpful in debugging problems with SOAP Web services. Some of these SOAP errors occur on a remote system, which sends a comprehensive stack trace. However, the receiving application filters out this stack trace and displays only an error code. The complete exception trace makes it easier to diagnose the problem, especially in the case of SOAP interoperability problems with web services.
To review the messages that have been sent between the WebSphere Portal Server and WebSphere Commerce Server, open the TCP/IP Monitor and review each message:
The Tutorial Store summary contains the following information: