Develop > Presentation layer > WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal > Integrate WebSphere Commerce Extended Sites with WebSphere Portal
Extended site asset store in WebSphere Portal
An extended site asset store is one that contains collections of sharable resources, such as view templates, that can be leveraged in other stores. There are two types of store assets that can be managed by a WebSphere Commerce portlet:
Dynamic view templates
To manage dynamic templates in an extended site, it is necessary to store files in a directory structure that allows for the quick and easy identification of the files and which stores they belong to. The file directory path is constructed based on a WebSphere Commerce store identifier, storeId.
Each URL reference defined on the WebSphere Commerce portlet JSP page is calculated using the following information and settings:
- JSP_root_path/store_directory/asset_reference
- JSP_root_path is the portlet JSP file location defined in the portlet preference (wps.markup.root.html).
- store_directory is the calculated from the store Id that can be found in the business context stored in the portlet session.
- asset_reference is the URI reference defined in the JSP file, such as images/something.jpg.
Static content asset files
All static content asset files, such as images and static HTML, can be included in the portlet application for ease of installation and deployment. The method of calculating the store relationship is the same as the one used for dynamic view templates.
In addition to this, external references to these static contents are also available using a URL reference. This URL reference is a programmatic name that is bounded to a URL object which can be set through the WAS administrative console, with a default JNDI name url/com/ibm/commerce/foundation/client/portal/ExternalContent. However, this JNDI name can be overridden by defining a portlet preference called .ExternalContentURLReference. See Define references to static content in an MVCPortlet JSP file for more information.
- Extended site store plugin
A store plugin is one that helps resolving Commerce Store related information for the MVCPortlet application. It leverages the WebSphere Commerce MVCPortlet plug-in framework so that a customized version can also be specified instead. The extended site store plug-in must implement the PortletStorePlugIn interface which can be initialized and destroyed along with the WebSphere Commerce portlet. A default implementation has been provided,