Develop > Presentation layer > WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal > WebSphere Commerce Portal integration architecture

WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Portal integration framework interaction

Use the WebSphere Commerce Portlet provided, a portlet developer can create or remove actions and renders through configurations.

The following image describes the interactions:

The following description summarizes the interactions:

  1. The request from the WebSphere Portal user is directed to the Presentation Layer (Portlet container) in the WebSphere Portal Server.

  2. The Portlet Container then calls the processAction() method in the WebSphere Commerce Portlet where the definition of the requested action is looked up from the MVC configuration stored in the Configuration Registry.

  3. The designated PortletActionHandler for this portlet action retrieves the client library interface definition and the required parameters from the Configuration Registry.

  4. The PortletActionHandler gathers the parameter map from the request, along with the required business context and authentication callback handler (which can be acquired through the credential plug-in), and passes them to the pre-configured client library method defined in the Configuration Registry.

  5. The client library retrieves the required request parameters from the parameter map and converts them into a message which is then forwarded to a WebSphere Commerce service on WebSphere Commerce Server. The designated WebSphere Commerce component performs the requested business operation and, after the operation is completed, a response is returned to the client library. The PortletActionHandler analyzes the response and generates the required render parameters, including the context Id for future references to the context object and authentication callback handler in the session, and all properties defined in the response parameter map, for the upcoming render request. In the event of an exception or service fault received from the client library, the PortletActionHandler displays the error view.

  6. The Portlet Container generates another render request and calls the render() method in the WebSphere Commerce Portlet for rendering a page back to the WebSphere Portal user. The Portlet Container calls the MVCPortlet's render() method where the definition of the requested render will be looked up from the MVC configuration stored in the Configuration Registry.

  7. The designated PortletRenderHandler retrieves the JSP file path from the Configuration Registry and assigns the portlet JSP page to the request dispatcher for rendering.

  8. The JSP file retrieves data from the WebSphere Commerce tag library.

  9. The WebSphere Commerce tag library calls the client library.


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