Tutorials > Sales Center > Add an editable column to the Order Items table by creating a new widget manager

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Create a properties file for the new Order Items table

The properties file is a resource bundle that contains translatable text to display in the user interface widget. In this step, you create a properties file that contains text for the new "Fulfillment Center" table column, and add an entry to the com.example.commerce.telesales.myNewPracticePlugin plug-in to point to the new properties file.

To create the properties file:

  1. In the Package Explorer view, navigate to the com.example.commerce.telesales.myNewPracticePlugin > src > com.example.commerce.telesales.myNewPracticePlugin project.

  2. Right-click com.example.commerce.telesales.myNewPracticePlugin package, and select New > File

  3. In the File name field, enter FulfillmentText.properties.

  4. Click Finish. The FulfillmentText.properties file opens for editing.

  5. In the FulfillmentText.properties file, add the following text to the file in the form key=text:

    extendedOrderItem.fulfillmentData = Fulfillment Centers 
    Fulfillment Centers is the text to be displayed on the new column heading of the Order Items table.

  6. Save and close the file.

To update com.example.commerce.telesales.myNewPracticePlugin plug-in to point to the new properties file:

  1. In the Editor view, click the Extensions tab of the com.example.commerce.telesales.myNewPracticePlugin plug-in.

  2. Click Add.

  3. From the Extension Points list, select com.ibm.commerce.telesales.resources.resources and click Finish.

  4. In the All Extensions pane, select com.ibm.commerce.telesales.resources.resources > resourceBundle.

  5. In the Extension Element Details pane, enter com.example.commerce.telesales.myNewPracticePlugin.FulfillmentText in the baseName field

    The text before the .FulfillmentText is the name of the plug-in and the text after that is the name of the properties file without the .properties extension.

  6. Save the file.

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